Nov 08, 2006 00:46
Wondering perhaps if we tend to overthink things. Things of little consequence, but which we blow up in our minds to such an extent that we fret about that which we did, or didn't do, said, or didn't say.
It takes away some spontaneity from life.
It worries us unnecessarily.
But on the other hand, does it keep us polite? Hopefully.
Just to think about it, I wonder if this thought is a result of more overthinking...
In news today - it was especially tiring, probably not helped by oversleeping and keeping people waiting for almost an half hour. Geez, I felt bad, hopefully they didn't mind too much...
And it was a day of lecture-ish things on the Clinical Exams next week, two in the morning, and one in the arvo. To tell you the truth, it's damn hard getting work done after that kinda day.
But work I must, as the days fly and the nights come quickly. There are too few hours in a day, but even if there were more hours, would we have the energy to do more, learn more? Productivity is key, that and not panicking.
Must remember - NOT TO PANIC.