How it works....
1) Under a cut type in your top 10 imaginary boyfriends. This list can include: celebrities, fictional characters, musicians, actors, dead or alive. Examples: Johnny Depp, Robert Pattison *I don't care if I got his name wrong*etc.
2) Please include a picture along a tiny two sentences or more description of why they are on the list.
3) Then tag at-least 5 people from your friends list to make a list of their own ! :) HAVE FUN !
Ok... So I changed #8 and #6... just cause people are being honest so I wanted to put two more answers !
10. Hiro Mizushima
I only about a little under a year fell in love with Mr.Mizushima, his work is fantastic, and he has an adorable speaking voice. I really will watch him in any drama he appears in, just because I know it'll be fantastic.
9. Hizumi from D'espairs Ray
Hizumi is just all kinds of beautiful. I think what's most appealing is umm.. waking up and see that your laying on that chest.
8.Seth Rogen
He's a cute chubby boy, that can make my laugh. I adore more normal looking guys like him, and I dig all his movies.
7. Yul Brynner
Here is some old school right hotness. He is probably one of the sexiest men from the 1940s - 50s of all time. I believed him to always look the same and just be so handsome and youthful. Also, he made bald really beautiful.
6. Robert Downey Jr
Well now that I won't be killed for typing this.. wow isn't he beautiful?
He's such a brilliant actor, and again, can sing ! *see a common theme in this? I like triple threat kind of guys*
Also, He was the best part of Tropic Thunder by far.
5. Patrick Wilson
Just an all american, boy next door kind of guy. He can sing, act and kick butt in Watchmen? Who wouldn't want him?
4. Ralph Fiennes
Come on, He can act and sing too, and he was also in about 5 of the nominated movies at the Golden Globes this year. Can we say yum?
3. Michael Jackson 1986 - 1995
The smile, the talent, he *was* just perfect to me :)
2. Takanori Nishikawa
Um, do I need to honestly talk about this? Yeah.. I didn't think so.
1. Edward Norton
He's my baby, he really is. He can really do no wrong in my eyes. He's just all amounts of gorgeous and again, triple threat :)
and anyone else that wants to do it :)