+ I have a shit load of homework --- the majority I shall do on the train
+ I have to stay again till 5:15 ;;_;; SCARY. But at least Joey might be in one of my classes :D
+ Nigel aka The Metal Kid from orientation walked me from class to my subway yesterday with his arm around me. It was very sweet, the entire time I was giggling, though he's got FLIRT MACHINE written all over him.
+Today I'm most likely going to wear lolita because I'm sick and tired of "melting in" with all the fashion students who though have impectable style, none of them are a true individual. They all are secretly annorexic or have an anger management problem except for a few of them which are sweet.
and my picture for the day:
Nigel kept making that face at me. Takanori is much better at doing this face.