On what has happened....

Jun 26, 2009 08:56

I'm currently typing with my fingers on the brink of shaking, even though the news sunk in the moment it happened, it definitely came to a shocking realization as I sat in the bed I was sleeping in last night, trying to think of something positive to get my mind off of it, when I came to another realization... he's dead and for the most part its real.
I know some of you may giggle, you might cry, and or you might not even give a shit about this news. But let me tell you about Michael. He was a man that inspired me to do a lot, more then any of you could ever imagine. He was a man that purely magical, so much that even to this day, the things he did mind boggles me. Everything he did was magical... his smile, his dancing, his words, his whole aura. I know everyone has different opinions about him, you might think he is completely strange, a freak what have you. But then you obviously don't know who he actually was... He was more then just Thriller, Moon walker, Smooth Criminal, and King of Pop... He was a man with a brilliant yet complex mind, and also an all around beautiful and good natured person.
Michael Jackson was such an important person that shaped me into the human being I would become... as many have said he was the soundtrack to my life and more. He was a man with such an imagination, it would make one that if you got to know him the way I did almost cry, because he was unlike any other.

Please, do me a favor. When you begin to think about this man today or the next passing days... do not make a joke about him.... do not refer to him as "wacko jacko" or whatever other names he has been called... think of him as a human being that was so talented, beautiful, creative and beyond anything that any other human has been on this planet. But also think of him as a person that longed to find acceptance in the world, but no matter what he did to try and make himself perfect in his and others eyes, no one would accept him. I hope the passing days proves to all of you that this was an incredible creature that "moonwalked" this planet with us, he wasn't just another Tabloid article waiting to happen, he was much more then that.

Michael, I know you are out there somewhere. You are with everyone of us that believed in your magic, knew that you were special, and would always know that you will always be the King of Pop, Rock, Soul and everything else in between. You taught me so much, ever since I saw Black or White when I was 3, you were the only one that made me want to be myself, without any question. I knew I could do more then I was told by professionals, who said I was doomed to a simple non social life. You gave me hope and courage. Now I will carry the wisdom that your impact has given me with me everyday, and always remember that it was you who did it.

I wish that I had gotten to meet you, but I felt like I've known you my whole life.... and with that, I know when I go up to wherever you are now... you'll be one of the first people I see and hug ever so tight.

Forever may your new star in the sky sparkle baby.... We know you'll be the one dancing and twinkling in the sky the brightest.

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