To my female readers

Jul 05, 2007 23:17

Is there anyone in my small audience who found relief from severe PMS symptoms (the mental and emotional type (moody, irritable, depressed, fatigue-y) rather than the physical type (breast tenderness, crampy)) by eliminating coffee (and/or other caffeinated beverages) from their diet. I'm wondering if that's a big contributing factor to my monthly misery. I keep saying I'm going to quit coffee, but I just don't do it. If anyone can confirm that she found relief by nixing the coffee, I'll put away the coffee pot right now.

I'll happily take other suggestions, as well.

I once found considerable relief by taking chaste tree berry extract. I need to find this prepared without alcohol as the solvent, even though others aren't supposed to work as well.

pms, health, physical me

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