Dec 09, 2008 07:47
The birds are plowing through their bird seed. Plowing, I tell ya. I have to fill the feeder every day. Between feeding myself, Mr. Neighbor and the birds (and, oh, okay, buying things like a swivel vise), is it any wonder I am broke by the 15th?
I thought my chest wall was healing, but I'm gathering that it's not. I awoke this morning with awful pain, wondering how quickly I could eat something so I could take my anti-inflammatory(/pain (haha)) med. I really wonder what this is all about.
In May, my iron level was screechingly high. Dr. Meds told me to stop using cast iron pots and pans and steer clear of high-iron foods. I googled high-iron info, and a good many folks recommended simply donating blood regularly. So I've donated blood regularly.** (It's easier to do when there are added perks, like free t-shirts (although last time was a free pink of Bart's ice cream, and, I'm sorry, but I'd rather have a t-shirt) and their buses are parked everywhere.) Now nurse practitioner calls to leave a message that my blood work looks fine, except that I am extremely low in iron. Take an iron supplement, she instructs. My iron behaves like my blood pressure--it's all over the map.
** I've ignored my latest postcard reminder to donate, as I don't want to inflict anyone with my chest wall problem.
health (or the lack thereof),