Jul 20, 2008 20:11
No, give the poor girl a swimming lesson.
I'm bummed. (What's new.)
Thinking I would get my rowing feet back in the saddle water, and knowing I would never in this lifetime pass another swim and tread test like I ... er, passed? ... before, I applied to the Y for a "scholarship" for private swimming lessons.
Swimming lessons, perhaps. Private swimming lessons? Who do I think I am?
If only they knew.
I have taken group swimming lessons ... oh, I can't even count the number of times. Many. I didn't learn to swim. The only thing I learned is that, yes, no matter what their age, people will stare at my feet. (Oh, wait, you're missing my hands!)
The Y was good enough to give me a reduced-rate membership. I think it began in March. Along with automatic deductions for student loans and car insurance, there are automatic deductions for a gym membership I'm too chicken to use. Thinking I'd be all brave and whatnot, I did drive in to the parking lot once. I even pretended to confidently make my way to the door. Then I freaked and returned to the car. A bad scene was made worse by my driving out the other way of a one-way parking lot. I tried to give courteous "oh, I'm so sorry" nods to incoming vehicles, but they weren't too accepting of them.
fears and phobias,
things to do,
physical me,
learning something new