Jun 22, 2008 17:53
And children. Both seem so easygoing and there's no need to tussle and bustle and wrestle over words; they seem to take me as I am, no questions asked (even when I stick my foot in my mouth, which is more often than not), no sideways glances stared, no tone of voice that speaks disapproval.
On to today's dity...
I went to put a load of wash in the washer. In the "meeting room" that adjoins the wash area, I saw an elderly woman sitting at a table working on a puzzle. After I got my wash in, I couldn't help but go to her table and her puzzle. (I love the elderly, children and puzzles!) I worked on the puzzle with her. We chatted. I have a difficult time hearing anyway, but she was toothless, which made it an even bigger challenge. But I did catch, "I prayed for you this morning." (I was a bit taken aback by this, given that we are total strangers, so I wanted to confirm: "You prayed for me this morning?" "Yes, I did," she replied.") I wonder what sort of prayer she prayed for me. I need to take another load of wash over. Maybe I'll ask.
My day started at 3 a.m. I wonder when it will end. I'm a can't-sit-still sort of girl. I zip from project to project in the blink of an eye. It makes Mr. Neighbor incredibly nervous.
the elderly