...maybe you should take a look at this.
http://www.usdebtclock.org/ This clock shows our National Debt in real time. The green numbers are what the government takes in. The red is how much "in the red" the government is. I saw this for the first time yesterday and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Can you believe each of us as taxpayers has a debt of $110,022.00?
I can't believe that our government spends so much money. I can't believe that our Congress and our Presidents (Republican and Democrat) have let it spiral out of control like this. Shame on all of them.
My little girl has a debt of over $100,000 and she hasn't even spent a cent yet. Crazy.
My belief is that government should fund public safety, the military, and infrastructure...and that's it. With this debt clock you can see why I feel the way I do. We're spending way beyond our means.
So, I ask anyone who thinks the government should subsidize health care, energy, the auto industry...anything...I ask you this: After seeing this debt clock, do you still think so? Should we continue to buy Maseratis when we can't even afford a Chevy Aveo?
Time to get back to work...the government needs my tax money more than I need my own, of course!