What a week, what a (half-)week... a Broken concert; hanging out with Christi, music- and Christ-minded; helping her pack up the truck (I got a TNG Romulan Warbird and stuffed walrus out of the deal, as well as one of her swell crocheted hats); saying goodbye to her far too quickly to say all I wanted to say or even to know how to say it; seeing everyone at the BSM noon lunch again and meeting new people (names fail me, as ever); FOCUS: worship, teaching, conviction, understanding love and Christ better, kissing Rob (on the cheek, you dirty-minded, you), meeting more new people and relearning old ones, and Salvador (rockin awesome), Josh Morgan, CJ, etc; my first experience with street ministry (and it happened on accident); buying the biggest graphic novel I've ever seen: the combination of all three of the first years of Ultimate Spider-Man -- stories 1-6 (three years' worth! -- would've taken about $110 buying them in the standard 6-issue collections I've been perusing) for only $35 at Barnes & Noble in Fort Worth.
I hope Christi's alright, being in the truck with Sadler and her dad, driving this pre-Labor Day Sunday. Gonna miss, gonna miss... already miss, actually, thanks to the fact that I'm thinking about it... I suppose it could be just as much an anticipation of missage as real missage. ;)
Tomorrow: moving into/out of the house; STAND; buying foodstuff for the week/month/whatever. Praying. Being with Jesus allday, God willing.
an interview with Shawn McDonald. I'm going to have to look into this guy. I bought a ticket to one of his shows once, then God told me to do something else that weekend (go with Katalyst). Naturally, I went and complained. Religion it was, not relationship. Or did I even go? Maybe I just slept too late and decided not to go because i was an idiot. I wouldn't put it past me.
In other news, I am dog tired, and love Trespassers William. SO MANY CDs TO GET FROM CDBABY!
If you don't know of Kendall Payne, check her out.
www.myspace.com/kendallpayne and
www.cdbaby.com/cd/kpayne/. I don't know why these links aren't working. I put them in right. Copy/paste if it doesn't work for you.
Why does it take a disaster to make us
open our hearts to the hurting and homeless?