Some cold careless words, cruelly injurious, may sometimes, be worth
paying heed to;
To see the Truths, we would rather not, but should...
Went to workshop. Things to mention in feedback, when it comes in the email:
1 Edge of chaos - balancing stability and stagnation with growth, change, and chaos - exploring inquisitively, intelligently, and maintaining the wealth of experience gained from such in successive generations, thus evolving...
should check which property this was meant to improve, and which attributes it may improve ...
2 Six thinking hats - different modes of thinking, in order to explore different aspects of a problem/group interactions that may be useful at a given time...
White - logical, facts only, support with evidence
Red - emotions, intuitions, oppinions - sometimes good/useful in conflict resolution, letting people know where they stand on a subject, or
Yellow - positive support for something
Black - critical thinking, maybe constructive, but trying to break something down, and find it's weaknesses
Blue - Meta thinking - thinking 'about' processes, the systems itself, how you think about something, etc etc -discussing agenda, minutes taking, etc?
Green - lateral, creative thinking... tends to be brainstorming style
Edward De Bono (or Debono)
3 "Tao of Chaos", Katya Walter "Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra not sure of the book I heard of it in before, but
this search: up with a few things... it was another book...
maybe this one? that review sounds disappointing tho...