This is the way one phillipino decided to try to bring media attention to issues. People 'disappear' in the philippines all the time - overtly or inovertly killed. Police or military routinely break up protests by firing live rounds into the crowds until they die or disperse - this has happened when people are protesting the involvement of Canadian companies... perhaps Barrett Gold would be an example... and so the company in Canada calls the government, telling them to 'disperse' the crowd, knowing what will happen. We don't export 'real justice' to these countries - we just export capitalism, corruption, and our businesses there. People are easily placated here with luxuries and distractions, so we don't stop these problems at their source - and so we are content with the 'illusion' of justice and fairness here - and a higher degree of it for our people - and mere ignorance of what goes on else where - it's not our problem, etc.
All that has to happen for things to change, is for ordinary people to say "enough. No more." To not ignore the injustices we export around the world. To pay attention to our our corporations and businesses, and not give them a safe haven, and a place to spend their blood monies...
But change will only happen if people care enough... if they can care about people that aren't in their own family, people across the world, and say they deserve justice and freedom and health and a future too. That is what globalization should be about: the world extending a sense of caring and family to the far flung nations of the world, of seeing a brotherhood with everyone.
We are kept divided by fear, self-centredness, ignorance: each of those has an opposite, which is the cure to the ailment. There may be many problems in the world, and they may seem very far away, but each of us can do much to solve them, by starting right, here, by starting on ourselves, and the actions we take, how we nurture our hearts and minds, and the standards to which we hold one another up to.