
Mar 26, 2006 00:17

What are 10 good things and 10 bad things about me (person posting this).

You don't have to necessarily do 10 each, but for every good one, there should be a bad one; you can say less good things, but there must be at least one good thing in the reply.



"fire away"


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Re: why i want to hear bad stuff... soleta_nf March 27 2006, 14:54:36 UTC
I honestly don't feel that I can comment because I haven't known you for 10 years or so. I can say at the time in high school you were very shy and seemed to have trouble with your self esteem and confidence, and sticking up for yourself. I don't know if that's changed. But you were always very sweet, generous, friendly and kind, so those are definitely more important than any lack of self-confidence. But as I'm discovering lately, it's really hard to go through life with crap for self-confidence (I have shaky self-confidence/esteem). You always doubt yourself, which it difficult enough, but I'm realizing that so many people can see that, and pounce on it and take advantage of it, manipulating your self-doubt to get what they want. So I realize that I need to at least appear confident in myself to at least head off these predators. At the same time, I'm realizing that someone can be brilliant and all kinds of good things, but if they don't have the confidence to be sure of their brilliant ideas or follow through on their goodness and defend what they believe in, etc., the rest of the world sees them as having a fairly big burden holding them back. Looking at myself back in grad school, I'd bet this was my advisor's opinion of me: smart with potential, but can't go very far with that big cloud of self-doubt and almost paranoid assurance of her own failure hanging over her. I'm trying to work on that now, especially for if I ever go back into academia.

About your writing online - that doesn't reflect who are are right now all that well necessarily, and just because someone might not like your writing style etc, that doesn't mean *you're* doing anything wrong or need to change, you just have different tastes. And I find LJ for myself a place for me to practice my writing, etc, and my writing a year ago was much suckier than it is now (I've always been a good writer, but writing for an audience without a lot of edit time has brought on new pressures for me). Reading me friends list helped me decide what I wanted to do with my LJ and adopt some styles that I liked, etc, and I like how my LJ is shaping up to be, though I want to make some changes. If you have any specific questions about your LJ writing/posting style, I will answer them, but the first question to ponder is: What do you want to do with this journal. If it's a place for you to post stuff you like and write out your thoughts, then it's perfect. If you're trying to practice your writing professionally and attract an audience (like me), then there may be some things you can do to better achieve that.

If you have deeper issues you think you might need to work on, can you try to see a counsellor and work on them (or figure out if you need to) with him or her? Or asking this question to close friends and family, if they feel comfortable to be honest, might give you a more accurate answer than I can give. But be aware that people carry their own shit around with them, and from what they say you have to determine whether they're expressing their own issues which have nothing to do with you, or whether they're giving you some good ideas about things you might want to work on for yourself.

Also, no worries about commenting and such. I just got over a spell of barely being able to keep up with my flist myself, so I understand. :) *hugs* I hope things get better for you.

In terms of self-confidence and such, I find this website (and the book on it) very helpful:


Re: why i want to hear bad stuff... soleta_nf March 27 2006, 14:58:37 UTC
cough. *my* friends list. I didn't mean to speak in Newfanese. ;)


Re: why i want to hear bad stuff... onfeynyuan_shen March 28 2006, 21:53:28 UTC
Thanks, that's some really good advice. :)

To be honest, I probably should make my livejournal more personal, but I'm a little bit paranoid about the internet... :/
I guess eventually I'll have to pick one or the other, though. hmm or just make more friends only posts...


Re: why i want to hear bad stuff... soleta_nf March 28 2006, 22:53:59 UTC
Yeah, that's an easy conundrum. ;) Many people have LJs which are half (or more, or less) friends-only posts, and half public posts they don't mind sharing. Or you can go fully friends-only.

You're welcome. :) I'm struggling with a lot of these issues right now too, so if my recent lessons can be shared with you and you find it good advice, all the better!


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