The Movie Of Your Life Is An Indie Flick
You do things your own way - and it's made for colorful times.
Your life hasn't turned out how anyone expected, thank goodness!
Your best movie matches: Clerks, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite
If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be? You Are Scooter
Brainy and knowledgable, you are the perfect sidekick.
You're always willing to lend a helping hand.
In any big event or party, you're the one who keeps things going.
"15 seconds to showtime!"
The Muppet Personality Test In other news, the hpop dance party turned out ok... didn't get hopping much til the end, but I'm not much for super big crowds anyways... I was there for like six hours and barely danced... I am the suck.. by barely danced, I mean, however, that I was on the floor most of the time, doing the mostly-standing-in-one-place-bobbing-without-moving-my-arms-much-atall dance most of the time... I'm somewhat shy ... in my younger years, sometimes to get past my shyness, I would be silly and foolish, but now my self-consciousness is greater in that regard I think, less 'spontaneous/hyper/energetic' to compensate for the shyness, so ... hours in gortex boots = teh stinky feets.
O.M.G. O_O
yeah. Shawna looked really hot in her dress, but for the life of me, I couldn't tell who she was supposed to be... my closest guess would maybe be one of the girls from gunslinger girls, because of the hat ...
there were like, barely any guys... if I were more enterprising (and more of the girls were older) I guess that would have been a good thing... as it was, I think my dorkiness and basically coming straight from school and barely doing anything different from usual atire, I think whenever I went where people were aggregating (except at the dj spot) when I came to try and join in in conversations, people migrated away and suddenly had to leave or something.
That was probably a coincidence actually. But my self-awareness is poor, so often I really have no clue about those things, and just take wild guesses...
b07 lg w passionfruit jelly ... after 10, people hung out a bit in the area. It was nice to be out ...
saw some people from gaming club when I went there with alex and mardi, was generally uncomfortable when i passed some people I've gamed with, since I get the basic impression they all hate me, so I think in my mind i'm switched over to 'trying to avoid people and conflict' mode... not intentionally, but, well, i don't know, instinctively sort of ... but I guess I allow it to occur because I'm not sure doing otherwise would be better... well, in this instance... when i first came to do stuff with the ian s and the rest of them, it was new, and fun, i felt more confident and hopeful i could fit in... now i find it hard not to feel like people in this particular group aren't laughing at me or like dislike me or something... maybe my experience in the starwars campaign w peter and others gave me good reason for this, tho... some people were very open with their enmity... strangely, since I'm the same constant factor in both situations, that leads me to question what I'm doing to create such a situation... or if perhaps, that is just the way things will be, and i'll have to learn to tolerate it or not be part of such groups... :/
hmmm feeling too honest today, so i think i'll give that a rest.