(no subject)

May 22, 2005 12:28

Tagged by scolixa

1. Total number of books owned?
*stares at her 1.5 overburdened bookcases, her book counter, the books on the bottom of her nightstand, the books on the desk, the books on the partial shelf above the desk, the books obscuring her view of the T.V...* A lot? I haven't read most of them however. The library taunts me with things I don't own.

2. The last book I bought?
Actually it was four that I bought at the same time. I got them the last day of Finals, so they have yet to be read. lol.The Odyssey written by Homer, translated by Fitzgerald. The Iliad Homer / unknown. They didn't have the Fitzgerald translation and the entire store was having a sale. I couldn't wait for the next shipment of books. The Aeneid Virgil / Fitzgerald. Those three composed the "I read these for school, liked the stories, hated the assignment, so now I'll buy them and read the books in my leisure time for pleasure." collection. Le Morte Darthur written by Sir Thomas Mallory, it is the first known book of Arthurian legends. Le Morte was written before the love triangle of Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere. A necessary book to own! ...I'll probably put rave reviews in LJ when I actually read it.

3. The last book I read?
Just opened Dune by Frank Herbert last night. I'm on the last hundred or so pages of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. The last book I read to completion was The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King. -_- A re-reading, mind you, I fell in love.

4. Five books that mean a lot to me:
-_- Only five? The DragonLance Chronicles Trilogy only. I'm counting that as one book despite it being three. The Deathgate Cycle, also counting that as one book, thought it's seven. *sneaks books in* Those two were written by the same people and illustrated concepts, that at the time I read the books, were very murky to me. After reading them, the concepts were actually less clear, but I was given a new outlook on several things. Also, they set off a chain of events that led me towards meeting my boyfriend, though he hasn't read them, and some of the most amazing people I know.
Andromeda Strain by Micheal Crichton. It was the first book that made me realize how much I love biology and steered me towards more books that reinforced the fact I wanted to establish a career as a microbiologist.
The Princess Bride by William Goldman because it's the only love story I can stand to read. It's witty, corny and everything in between. It feeds to my girly side without suppressing my cynical nature.
The Mist of Avalon Despite the fact that my copy was stolen and I have yet to find it at the book stores I frequent, I loved that book. It gave me new insight into the Arthurian legends and with new insight, came new respect and a zeal to read everything remotely related to King Arthur.

Though I have no actual interest to pass on the meme, I'm dying to know how
would answer, so I'm tagging them.
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