Dec 28, 2004 01:14
Seems like all anyone here does anymore is get drunk, high, whatever, anything to take their minds off of reality. Lately people have made their lives about doing whatever they can do to escape, and I'm sitting here watching them fall apart. Well, let me say, the view from here sucks. I haven't seen alot of people who I used to hang out with all of the time because right now all they can focus on is getting their beer, liquor, drugs, etc. If that makes them happy, then good, they can be happy, but I can see their lives are also becoming more miserable day by day, and it sucks to watch. As for me, I'm going to stay away from the shit. I'm happy without it, very happy. I've never needed it, and don't plan on needing it any time soon. So for New Years Eve, I'll be somewhere the alcohol isn't.