here is the update.

May 22, 2007 23:54

lj is so weird. im sick of being like OMG I DID THIS AND THAT everytime i do something cool. a) im always doing something cool. b) what the fuck do you care? c) what the fuck do i care if you care?

BUT... i guess i will give a run down of the past week or so's events since there were quite a few noteworthy ones. i got a new macbook. i love it. im picking up the lease tomorrow for my new apartment with dan. i love that as well. my job is more stressful, a million times more fast paced, and i have tons more responsibility. and i love that too. other than that, girls night out to taco chulo, levee, and union pool. more nights out to lulus and union picnic. brunch at st helens then park. just fun times. this weekend is camping at devils tombstone (which we have come up with appropriate satanic nick names for the occassion). next weekend animal collective and moving. and summer is coming which means free shows in the park pool with veggie dogs and slip n slide. hopefully, i will see jamie at the animal collective show. OH also, housewarming party for dan and i in the works. prolly a dance party since we dont have a lot of furniture and perfect floors to slide on. more details on that as they come available.

onto more important things than what i am doing.. i just watched the tenant. it was a really great mindfuck. so far i am quite enjoying polanski's series of apartment paranoia. now that i dont have to look for a new place every free moment i have, i can go back to reading colette, which has become one of my favourite pasttimes ever. right now im on claudine in paris. so excited to jump back in where i left off.

oh and muffie says "meow".

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