Jan 02, 2005 06:29
1. First best friend: Heather Richards and Rachel Hoadley
2. First love: Dylan
3. First real kiss: Dylan
4. First screen name: VSPESO
5. First pet: Smokey my german shepard
6. First car: cant drive yet
1. Last cigarette: never
2. Last kiss: a while ago
3. Last good cry:
4. Last beverage drank: water
5. Last food consumed: popcorn
6. Last crush: idk
7. Last phone call: couple minutes ago
1. Who is your best friend: Rachel hoadley, taylor washburn, Kirstin campbell, Heather richards, and lindsay Reeves
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: nope
1. Where are your favorite places to shop: abercombie and fitch, tillys, Forever 21
2. Favorite item of clothing: all my tank tops <3
1. Do you do drugs: no
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: abba
3. What are you most scared of: Crabs and Lobsters EW
4. What would you change about yourself: my feet
1. Colors: blue / green / pink
2. Foods: lasagna
3. Subject in school: Dance
4. Animals: Puffins and llamas
5. Sports: to watch : football and dance
6. Movie: Mean Girls/ saved/ lion king/ the goonies
1. Given anyone a bath: yeah of course
2. Smoked: no
3. Made yourself throw-up: yes.
4. Skinny dipped: naw
5. Been in love: i dont think i know what LOVE is
1. Clothes: purple pjs and tank top
2. Music: ciara- 1,2 step
3. Make-up: eyeliner and mascara
4. IMS: Greg, mike snowden
2. Hugged: Taylor
3. IMed: Greg
4. Last person who slept at your house: idk
5.Lats persons house you slept at: Lindsays
1. In the morning I am: mean and ugly
2. Love is: confusing
3. I dream about: who knows, i dream about alot of stuff
1. 7 years ago: I was 7
3. 3 years ago: i was 11
4. 1 hour ago: i was at lindsays
5. tomorrow: school =[ not cool
6. college: use or pepperdine
Current mood :: annoyed and bored
Current music :: ciara
Current taste :: popcorn
Current hair :: down
Current clothes :: pjs and tank top
Current annoyance :: school tomorrow
Current smell :: my hair smells like mint
Current thing I ought to be doing :: hmm idk nothing
Current windows open :: aim and this
Current desktop picture: little waving people
Current favorite band :: dont have one
Current book :: haha none .
Current cd in stereo :: a mix of songs
Current crush :: idk
Current hate ::no one.
=DO I=
Smoke? :: no
Do drugs? :: no
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: yes
Read the newspaper? :: yes well only comics,, rarely
Have any gay or lesbian friends? :: yup
Believe in miracles? :: yeah
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? :: yeah
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: most of the time
Consider love a mistake? :: nope
Like the taste of alcohol? :: no, blah
Have a favorite candy? :: starburst
Believe in astrology? :: yes
Believe in magic? :: yes
Believe in God? :: yes and always will
Have any pets? :: 3 dogs, 2 birds, and 5 shrimp
Go to or plan to go to college? :: yeah
Have any piercings? :: none
Hate yourself :: no
Have an obsession? :: CLOTHES AND SHOES
Have a secret crush? :: idk
Care about looks? :: actually kinda
Ever been in love? :: i dont think so
Do you believe in love at first sight? :: not really
Do you believe in "the one?" :: yeah
Describe your ideal significant other :: someone who can understand me, sweet, loving, caring, smart, athletic, always there.
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? :: well...
Have you ever been intoxicated? :: no
Height :: 5'4
Bought :: candy and gum
Ate :: rice
Drank :: water
Read :: this
Watched on tv :: mtv
club or houseparty :: club
drinks or shots :: drinks
cats or dogs :: dogs
single or taken :: single
pen or pencil :: pencil
gloves or mittens :: mittens
food or candy :: FOOD
cassette or cd :: CD
coke or pepsi :: NONE
this or that :: this
kill :: no one. im not that mean....
look like :: no one im myself
be like :: no one.. again
avoid :: liars, people that can easily influence me
talked to :: mommy
hugged :: Taylor
instant messaged :: Kirstin
eat :: anywhere
cry :: my room , or with friends
wish you were :: with a friend
Dated one of your best friends? :: no
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? :: yes as a friend anyways
Drank alcohol? :: no
Done drugs? :: no
Broken the law? :: oh ya,plenty of times.. i jay walked
Run away from home? :: only to kirstins
Broken a bone? :: my thumb
Played Truth Or Dare? :: yeah
Kissed someone you didn't know? :: nope
Been in a fight? :: yeah
Come close to dying? :: maybe
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: banana phone cd thing
Your bedroom like? :: Hawaii themed
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: waffles. <3
Your favorite restaurant? :: bandits or lalos
What's on your bedside table? : tv , a little glass angels
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? :: ice cream
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: Passion of the christ
What is your biggest fear?:: CRABS AND LOBSTERS... and rapists
What feature are you most insecure about? :: my weight
Do you ever have to beg? :: haha no
Are you a pyromaniac? :: no i fricken hate fire
Crushes? :: idk
Do you know anyone famous? :: no well i dont think so
Describe your bed :: white, with hawaiian print bedding
Spontaneous or plain? :: spontaneous
Do you know how to play poker? :: yeah kinda
What do you carry with you at all times? :: cell phone
What do you miss most about being little? :: not having to deal with drama
Are you happy with your given name? :: i guess...
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? :: 2 million dollars...cash
What color is your bedroom? :: hawaiian so a mixture
What was the last song you were listening to? :: goodies
Do you talk a lot? :: yes
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? :: sometimes
Do you think you're cute? :: i guess..
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: nope i wish i could help them.. =/
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: yeah...sometimes
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? :: both i guess
holding hands? :: deff. yes
Have you ever been caught "doing something?":: no?
Are you a tease? :: sure lol
Shy to make the first move? :: no, but its not something i enjoy