Today was so HOT. Wow, just wow. Very very hot.
School was okay. I could have left 4th period with Sean, Kenny,
Palin, & Tommy. But I decided not to because I was doing something
important in IMP. I'm an idiot. I should have done. Oh well :-/
Sarah came over after school. We were going to tan and swim, but
that didn't end up happening. Sean came over and we went to his house.
Me, Sarah, Sean, Kenny, and Dirty Joe went to Olive Garden.
Then, I talked to a few people online --
Went up in my room, layed on the floor and listened to Alexisonfire.
Went outside and layed in the grass.
Took pictures.
I have alot of pictures. But I only feel like putting a few in.
TeeJay. Wearing my sunglasses.
Chris and Moonda. Cuties.
Sean, looking dead.
Me. Eww.
Okay, so I'm in pretty much of a bad mood.
Ehhh, nothing new.
I'm watching Mad TV though. I ♥ Mad TV.
New Found Glory June 17th --Free show :P
That should be nice.