(no subject)

Feb 07, 2004 07:45

This is a stairy fory.

Tonce upon a wime there was a gritty little pearl named Prinderella. She lived with her two sisty uglers and her nicked wepstother. She weaned the clindows, flubbed the scores and did all the wirty durk, which was a shirty dame.

Don way the Cince issued a cropplamation that all geligable lung yadies should attend a drancy fess bistmas crawl.

Now poor Prinderella didn't have a drancy fess; all she had was a rirty dag.

Then, along came her gairy fedmother and in the eyeling of a twink she turned her rirty dag into a drancy fess.

So, Prinderella bent to the wall and pranced and pranced with the Cince. But, on the moke of stridnight she ran down the stalace peps and on the stottom bep slopped a dripper; which was, of course, another shirty dame.

The dext nay, the Cince issued another croplamation, that all geligable lung yadies who had attended the drancy fess ball, should sly on the tripper.

When the sisty uglers slied on the tripper, it fiddent dit. But when Prinderella slied on the tripper it fid dit.

So, the moo were tarried and mived yappily afty ever
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