(no subject)

Sep 15, 2010 22:56

It's been a while, and I'm doing this on my phone, so while things may ne spelled right, they may not make sense. Here is a brief run down since the last time I think I did this...
Moved back to Seattle. Went to dundracon. Got a job. Now you're caught up. I'll go into greater detail about any of these if asked.

Now for why I'm doing this now... My extremely passive aggressive coworker is technically my supervisor. She has only age on me. Thats fine, I can get over that. What I can't get over is her thoughts that each shift is out to get the other shifts. Because she's afraid of being usurped, she has talked HER boss into coming in early each Thursday morning so 3rd shift and first shift can have a powwow to get any issues resolved.

Ok, that's not a terrible idea either.

However, rather than discuss the things that bother her, shell write condescending emails about our other two shifts and not say a thing at these meetings. (I guess hoping her boss will do her job for her) then, she gets HYPERDEFENSIVE when an issue is lodged against our shift. I keep telling her to step up and just fucking say it, but like a petulant child, she stands with her arms crossed and doesn't make eye contact with anyone.

Part of me want to get her fired, so I can rise to power... It'd be easy. Really easy. But do I wanna work 3rd shift alone until we hire help?

work blows

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