✧ NAME: Jenn
sweetafton ✧ CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): email-, aim- micarasilverfox
✧ CURRENT MUSE LIST: None others! Yet...
✧ NAME: Harold 'Hal' Jordan
✧ SERIES: DC Green Lantern comics
HERE. It makes it easier.
✧ TIMELINE: Pre-Blackest night
Just at first glance a person can tell right off this is a man who knows what he's about. He's the kind of man that stands with his back straight and an unwavering gaze that will look a person in the eye. There is a whole air of confidence about him that exudes the cocky, slightly arrogant man that he can be even if he is quick to give someone a grin or friendly greeting. Some people could attribute the character quirks to the fighter pilot jacket he wears, which in truth is correct. Hal can easily summarize the whole essence of a man who is used to taking control of very fast situations and generally coming out on top. But underneath the outer shell that he's built, he's not as hot headed as most people will make him out to be. While recent events might have him a little more guarded than he usually is, if he is around people that he considers part of his inner circle, he is pretty quick to open up. His inner circle is small though those he considers friends he is quick to defend or bring attention to how stupid they are being. Case in point would be the few fist fights he's had with Oliver Queen over the years that resulted in them both realizing how stupid they were being. Hal may be considered a player, and in some ways he is, but he's a little more guarded than that. Relationships scare him mostly due to the closest one he ever had being horribly interrupted by Corps events. Since Carol the man hasn't really put himself in to a position where he has allowed himself to grow close like that to anyone else again. It's a weakness in a way and one of the many quirks that he has. While he generally won't turn down a tumble in the sheets with a pretty woman, he's usually gone the next day liking the no strings attached relationships better. His friends may not exactly approve of this, but it's not exactly something Hal will delve deep in to even with Barry or Oliver.
Ever since his death Hal has taken on a riskier stance on life. He feels responsible for everything that happened while Parallax was at the wheel and is on a mission to fix it all. He's quoted to say that his friends have died saints while he died a sinner. The fact that people blame him personally for things he had no control over stings a bit, but it's something that he's used to fuel his desire to fix things. Hal knows that trust is something he is going to have to rebuild as a few in the League are hesitant to accept him back. Others who have been able to accept him back with open arms has put the man in a gray area. While Hal is wanting to find those old friendships he is also hesitant to bring them up to speed with current events finding it easier to 'protect' them if they are left in the dark. Overall it's a straining effect upon the Lantern as he hasn't exactly removed the ring for any down time since his return back to life. So far the Guardians have been the cause of many headaches for him. While over time he's learned to block his where abouts, knowing that the little blue men are tracking what he's doing, he's grown a little distant from the Corps. He won't admit it to himself but deep down he knows that there is something terribly wrong going on either with the Guardians pulling more strings than they will admit to or with the universe in general. This is a man that will fight tooth and nail to defend those that he holds dear and a Corps he's given his life for. This sort of twenty-four seven constant going is pushing him towards a possible breaking point.
Now having a personality like Hal's there are bound to be enemies as well as trouble. Usually he has the ability to grate a person the wrong way like the typical clash of personalities. Generally the ring slinger can get along with most people in the League, though Bruce is one that he near constantly clashes with. While having backgrounds that leaves them more than a little warped, sometimes it's just hard for Hal to admit that Bruce is right at a few times. Getting him to even give a nod would require much arm twisting. When being a Green Lantern isn't at the front of his life, Hal loves to live the fast life. He lives on that rush of adrinaline that fuels that need to live on the edge. If he's not flying a jet or anything Carol has new for him, it's not past the man to pick a bar fight just for the rush. Or attend baseball games with the guys. Fishing or anything relaxing is slightly boring to him. Now, that doesn't mean he won't go to the beach for obvious reasons, but if Hal isn't doing something then something is wrong. Hal is the type of guy that isn't afraid to dive head long in to danger without taking a second glance about. It's given him a reputation of being a man with no fear even from an early age and his ability to give his mother more gray hairs than she should have had. Hal would never admit to ever being afraid of anything, however, there have been a few times that he has been close to finally admitting to himself that he was. Fear is a Lantern's greatest weakness and even if the Corps has the ability to overcome it, it takes a stronger man to overcome it completely. Hal Jordan is that man.
Willpower is the basis of all Green Lantern's powers. Hal has been described at having the greatest Lantern in the universe next to Abin Sur and Sinestro. A Green Lantern's power is only limited to his or her imagination when it comes to creating constructs from the ring that harnesses the green light of Will. Needless to say while Hal's constructs aren't as artistic as Kyle's, planned out as John's, or as, well, however you want to describe Guy's constructs, Hal's are just there.
The Power Ring's do have their limitations though. While the color yellow no longer affects the rings like it used to from Parallax residing in the Central Power Battery, the other colors of the emotional spectrum can either aid or interfere with how the Green's work. Another quirk with the Power Rings is that they do need to be charged every twenty-four hours unless they are used excessively throughout a period of time. One good thing about the rings is that they will literally try to conserve power once they are down to a certain percentage especially if the wielder needs the protection of the ring be they in space or hurt.
Power Rings are pretty damn awesome considering what all the wielder can do with them. After having been inducted to the Corps, Lanterns can access any sort of information gathered from not only their Ring but others. It's kind of freaky in a way just being able to spout off the information without having been to the location or anything. A good way to describe it would be like a hive mind. Now with the Rings members can also communicate with each other or become aware of any thing marked by the Corps as an enemy or something that needs to be investigated.
mask is pretty much his Lantern mask.
✧ PLACE OF SOLACE: Because I like to be super mean to Hal? Ferris Aircraft.
✧ FIRST PERSON: ~150+ words
You know I really should be accustomed to being dragged off to random places without any warnings by now. Between the League and the Corps I'm not exactly sure who to blame for this little side trip. Not the best time to drop a mission on someone unexpected.
Okay. Anyone seen a man wearing a big 'S' on his chest with this huge red cape or a guy with a infatuation for bats who looks all gothic emo? Tends to hide in the shadows and talk like he's gargled stones? No?
What about some little blue guys running around wearing robes and acting like little know it alls? Anyone? I'll take that as a no too.
All right. Consider this an open call to any other Lanterns that might be within hearing range of this message. Look for the green glowing guy flying around. And here Bats thought it was stupid to glow.
✧ THIRD PERSON: 300+ words
Even in spite of the heat Hal wore the old jacket his dad had tossed to him when he was a kid. His hands were tucked deep within the pockets, the jacket wore high but open as his father had always told him to do. It was the sign of a man who knew what he was about but open enough to talk to. Sure it had taken Hal time to get that part down finding himself to be wanting when he was younger, but now? Now he knew a little more about himself and that, in some ways, frightened him. There was a lot of things that the Lantern still needed to confront about himself or to come to terms with. He might have been the greatest to overcome fear, but that didn't mean that having your own demons to face was going to be easy. For him it was easier to just bury everything and keep right going which was what he bad been doing since Kyle had brought him back from the dead. Kyle was a good kid- they had never had the chance to meet properly the first go around. Honestly Hal thought the first time he could recall was when the newest Lantern had held him back while his best friend Oliver Queen had shot him with an arrow. Ahh good times.
Taking his time walking through the hanger at Ferris Air left the man time to think. There was a lot to take in what with the other Corps and prophecies that Abin had been so enthralled with. Hal didn't know where exactly to start. Not that it was the first time for him- after his father had died he had just jumped head first in to what his mother called a downward spiral with his want to follow in his dad's footsteps. Like any other time he'd probably do the same with this too and say nothing to his friends. Oh Jordan knew they were worried about him. Ever since he had returned back to a living status the Lantern had been on a path of trying to make everything right. He'd killed his friends, wounded others, and cut more ties than he had thought could be cut when he was under Parallax's thumb. People didn't understand it wasn't entirely him that was in control at the time and Hal had every intention of fixing all of it. Down to the tiniest of details if it meant giving his life to keep them all safe. One deep breath to center himself and the man picked up his pace. While Carol had given him another job to help pay the bills that was the bane of every hero on Earth, he was going to have to tell her he was going away for a spell.
That was another can of worms.
Carol 'Lady' Ferris. Even if Hal didn't want to admit it openly considering everything that had happened between them, he still loved her. Knowing she was going to give him that... look... she often did when she knew he was tossing himself in to danger but couldn't call him out on it stung a little. But Hal was used to having to put up a mask of indifference, telling her it would be okay and he'd be back soon. Just how soon he didn't know. Twisting his Power Ring around his finger a little as he approached her office door he took one deep breath before rapping his fingers against the glass. Maybe she wouldn't throw something at him this time.