because i like to steal things from people on my friends list :)

Jun 26, 2006 11:39

Don't take it if you're going to lie

1. Would you get back with your last ex if you could?
absolutely not. i loved him, but we didnt work out, for obvious reasons.

2.What kind of shirt are you wearing?
white tank top with lace on the front.

3. Would you kiss anyone on your livejournal friends list?
uh, i slept with someone on my friends list. haha. hi noah.

4. Do you have a thing for anyone on your top list?

5. How many people on your list do you know in real life?
a bunch.

6. How many kids do you want to have ?

7. Do you have a good relationship with both of your parents?
mom: heck yes, dad: hahahahaha. im sure i have a GREAT relationship with my dad.

9. What name would you want to have besides the one you already have?
Calendae. HAHAHA.

10. Would you ever make out with someone of the same sex?
been there done that and more.

12. What did you do for your last birthday?
got stoned as fuck. went out to diner. then smoked some more pot.

13. What is your main ringer on your phone?
hello moto.

14. What time did you wake up today?

15. What were you doing at midnights two nights ago?
uuh. i dont know. i was most likely stoned. haha.

16. IS MISSING?!?!? Missing what?
a fucking question, asshole.

17. Do you like having your hair pulled?

18. Name something you can't wait to do?
move to california. 02.07 motherfuckers.

19. Last time you saw your mom?
last night.

20. What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
i want to loose these last fucking 15 lbs. jesus christ, i can loose the 1st 20 in a month, now the last 15 is being a fucking bitch. i mean, i should be proud of myself for loosing 35lbs, but i dont care.

21. IS MISSING TOOO! Missing WHAT!??!?!?!

22. If you had $250,000 what would you spend it on?
uuh, id pay my dad back, give alot to my mom, buy a fuck load of drugs, and a new car.

23. How long have you been at your current job?
about a week. haha.

24. Have you ever talked to Tom from MySpace?

25. Describe what colour underwear are you wearing?

26 Last thing you ate?
i dont remember...

27. What's your favourite month?

28. Your least favourite month?
im not a fan of sept.

29. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone?
blazer from my mom.

30. Who is getting on your nerves right now?

31. Most visited webpage?

32. Last person you text messaged?
charlie, but godforbid should he text message me back.

33. Last person to make you sad?

34. Would you take a bullet for your best friend?

35. Favourite kind of drink?

36. Favourite food?
i dont like food.

39. If someone you hated died, what would you do?
depends on why i hated them. if they did something like kill my brother. um, id piss on their grave.

40.What are your favorite shoes?
my berks.

How much have you changed?

5 YEARS AG0.....

How old were you?: 15, dear god, im old.

Where did you go to school?: manalapan high

Where did you work?: kliens taekwondo

Where did you live?: here

Where did you hang out?: the mall. hahaha.

How was your hair style: LONG.

Did you wear braces?: no.

Did you wear glasses?: no.

Who was your best friend?: lisa.

Who was your regular-person crush?: i cant remember that far back.

How many tattoos did you have?: none

How many piercings did you have?: 2

What car did you drive?: too young

What was your favorite band/group: pink floyd, duh.

What was your worst fear?: i dont know.

Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: yah.

Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: haha. yeah.

Had you driven yet?: no

Had you been to a real party yet?: no

Had your heart broken?: no

June 2006

How old are you?: 20

What grade are you in?: haha, uuh. im supposed to be a jr in college. note the 'supposed' because i haave enough credits to make me a freshman haha.

Where do you go to school?: brookdale then academy of art uni.

Where do you work?:

Where do you live?: here

Where do you hang out?: freehold

How is your hair style?: short red and layered.

Do you have braces?: No

Do you wear glasses?: no

Still talk to any of your old friends?: yeah

Who is your celebrity crush?: if by crush you mean i wanna fuck him till he dies, then johnny depp haha.

How many piercings do you have?: 7

How many tattoos?: waiting for that first paycheck. my tat is gonna cost me ALOT of money...

What kind of car do you have?: mitsu

What is your favorite singer/band/group?: still pink floyd.

What is your biggest fear?: dying before i get my chance.

Have you been to a real party?: heckyes.

Has your heart been broken?: Yeah. asshole.


l a s t:
1. friend you saw: brett
2. Talked to on the phone: brett
3. Text: charlie
4. Messaged over myspace: some guy who thought i was 'reall really cute'

t o d a y
1. Wearing: im still in my pajamas AKA the shirt i wore yesterday.
2. Better than yesterday?: uuh. im off rfom work, so thats kinda cool.

t o m o r r o w
1. Is: i dont know
2. Got any plans: i dont like making plans
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: its gonna be raining.

f a v o r i t e
1. Number: 32
2. Color: green
3. Season: summer

c u r r e n t l y
1. Missing someone: with all my being.
2. Mood: eh.
3. Wanting: another cigarette. so im gonna have one. haha.

Q: First thing you did this morning
A: brushed my teeth, then had a cigarette.

Q: What's annoying you right now?:
A: the fact its raining.

Q: What's the last movie you saw?:
A: million dollar baby.

Q: Do you believe in long distance relationships?:
A: kinda.

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now:
A: he's always on my mind, which is why im an asshole.

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: my room

Q: Do you look like your mom or dad?:
A: my dad

Q: Do you have any siblings?:
A: 1

Q: Do you smile often?:
A: yeah

Q: Do you think that a person is thinking of you too?
A: i dont even know anymore.

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: yeah bc im a loser and a wishful thinker.

Q: Are you a friendly person?:
A: always

Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?:
A: mine.

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?:
A: white.

Q: What were you doing at 12 last night?:
A: driving to jaymes.

Q: When is the last time you saw your dad?:
A: last night.

Q: Do you have more guy friends or girls friends?
A: guy friends.

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: 2 days ago.

Q: Do you get angry easily?
A: sometimes

Q: What was your last thought before you went to sleep last night?
A: charlie, and how im an asshole.

Q: Take any vitamins?
A: no

Q: What are you about to do?
A: like fuck i know.

Q: Do you ever check your phone waiting for someone to call?
A: yeah

Q: Rate life as of right now 1-10.
A: it could be a ten, but its a 9.

Q: Would you say that most people who first meet you like you?
A: yes.

Q: Do you do any Drugs?
A: hahahaha, we need a whoooole new section about this. haha.
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