In defense of Vince Vaughn and other opinions that dont make me popular

Oct 18, 2010 22:17

Its a sad day when i feel the need to defend vince vaughn. I dont even think hes funny. Apparently he's getting heat for calling a prius gay in a movie.
You're offended by that?
Gladd is out wanting vince on a pike, while out in the real world, real bigots are keeping real people away from their rights, their lives, their loved ones.
So a one liner, is more a threat to gay rights, than say.. politicians who vote to keep gays away from equality, who want to force service members to hide their personal lives and risk loosing their job and service if found out. Its more threatening than many organized religions who condemn your lifestyle, and tell you you'll burn in hell for all eternity for being an abomination.
Maybe now is not the time to attack the small dogs. Maybe now there is a lot of attention again on gay rights, in the courts, in the news, and this is what you do with your public image.
Well i guess we better go string up sarah silverman too.. and well anyone who's made a gay joke. Cause lord knows if you use the word gay.. in a joking manner.. you're a bigot
Someone better tell all those gay people.
Sheesh, someone better go tell katt williams that N word is pretty offensive too...

ITS CALLED CONTEXT for fucks sake people.

Now now, dont get me wrong, I understand the small time bigotry. I know its different when you're there to here your plight made light of. I know its in part a reflection of a greater culture but Fight the big dogs. Fight the real problems, and have a goddamned sense of humor in the sidelines cause guess what..
Saying a prius is gay never made someone go vote for the defense of marriage act. it never made someone attack another human being. What does is the underlying culture that connects a simple joke with a deeper resentment, with an intolerant crowd. Thats why gay people get to make gay jokes and black people get to use the N word. Cause its in a group "usually" where its known its either bringing attention to it, or in a group of people who dont mean it with hate.
Theres nothing wrong with the joke, the problem is the underlying culture that it reflects.
maybe you should be attacking that

**also lay off the pharmacist too. Now i got my views on things which im not gonna fully get into again... but last time i checked its not a company's job to give out things for free. I cant go into acme and say, "im starving, let me get this food even if i cant pay." same thing here.
Now ona personal level, i think he made the wrong choice. but on a larger level... its a company. Its a product, and as a person with asthma, those people should of called an ambulance, not ran to CVS.
as a person with asthma, i try to have my inhaler on me at ALL times. And things happen, etc, so go the fucking ER. Ive been there, a few times for my asthma, but the last thing i would do in an emergency, is go to CVS. Have some sense, the man offered to call an ambulance. its not his job to give you your medicine for free.
now there are bits floating around about the bigger implications reflecting on how callous we are.. about universal healthcare..
nope. its not about that. You're still responsible for carrying your own medication and making good decisions like going to the ER, not CVS. And its still not CVS's job to give you what you cant pay for.
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