First off, happy holidays to everyone!
Then down to business.
A. Silent Hill shattered memories.
Okay, literally i can go on for DAYS about why this game is bad. Days. But its easiest to sum it up with
"if they changed all the characters names, took away any connection to the first game and didnt call it a survival horror game, it might be good." it might. MIGHT.It would at least be kinda a new idea but its bogged down with trying to be something its not. its connection to the first is a joke and insulting at best. The gameplay is unsatisfying, no bosses, puzzles easy enough for a monkey and the worst story ever, since its basically a shallow loop. All the choices you make are only regurgitated back to you at the end. weak.
Not to mention we had just seen no country for old men, which was infuriating at first, but upon closer inspection was a good story with brilliant misdirection. SH-SM was the worst misdirection ever.
B. Where my geek shows even more. Watching Benzaie's top 5 of movies of the last decade.
And he put watchmen on there, and i agree, but i totally geek raged at why he did it.
He broke the characters down in the simplest manner one could without missing the point entirely. With such things as how we can all relate to Dr. Manhattan sometimes...uh...
and how Nite owl was the comic relief? ARGGHHH
im so sure this graphic novel had won awards for its comic relief.... He was the "everyman" and dr. manhattan, among things, was the macro view. He was the point of the total outside, the truly indifferent the universe. Saying the comedian was the cynic? UGH i guess thats one way to put it...
Im too intellectual for my own good sometimes. I have such a hard-on for watchmen cause to me its one of those few movie/books that is smart and clever and deep without being up its own ass. its so easy to be pretentious with those messages but i felt it delivered it in a way that wasnt too obvious and not too clandestine either. though there are a lot of people who it went right over their heads...
And besides that as me for me, We're taking full advantage of the hubby's awesome dental insurance. Of course not having it and having other obligations for my money in the past 6 years took some toll, and i have a few teeth that gotta go. two i had no idea were even bad. But im still super pysched to be able to get work done. Still excersizing still trying to eat right. Finally old enough to really want to be taking care of myself. Still slowing planning our escape from TN
(though dental health is coming first) and debating on FWA in the spring. Lot of money though..
and thats all i got for now.
oh and PS
darknight.. overrated guys. really overrated.