(no subject)

Sep 23, 2005 19:03

Today started off nice enough; I went off at about 9:50 am to pick up my paycheck.. Yay $325 for this week. More next week ^_^. I get paid each week. Therefore, it is ...wow, significantly more than any other job I have had. Grocerey, Pshaw. Now I'll make nearly, $1,200.00 A month. Woot. I could... Move out. But I want to save that money, for awhile, get myself moving. Perhaps I _will_ afterall stay here, within this temporary placement through the temporary placement agency... even though they say they aren't a agency. Which was cool, because they had a... what was it? An employee appreciation day thingy. I got a bouncy ball that lights up when you.. uh bounce it. A pad of paper, and a pen, and s0me cookies and a can of pop or coffee. Weee. Well anywho.

After that I went to my bank to deposit the check. Then I went to, Half-Price Book store. I got 3 manga, for like 4 dollars each. :D What a deal. 1 and 8 of Bleach, and another I forgot the name, but its at home, its something about a samurai girl person. And I got a Calender for next year, of August-Prennie, or something, of older oil paintings, of italy, and naked people.

I went to Best Buy, and found two things I wanted each were the same $38.89, (41.52 w/tax), The whole season of Angelic Layer, and Abenobashi. I thought hard about. I already have the first 2 DVD's of the 5 of Angelic Layer... But it did come with a Box... But then, theres Abenobashi, funny as hell, only seen the First episode from newtype. And thought about it and got that one instead. The whole boxset. Next week I'll think about getting Berserk of Angelic Layer... ANd maybe either selling or pawning off/trading in the other DvD's... oi I think too muhc, My brain hurts.. earag typpos.

No doubt, I'll have another epiphany as drive home today after work. Wandering down memory lane, at the smell of cool 45 degree temperature, in the mistifying coolness of Autumn, nipping at my toes and fingertips. I just love the sensation..

And now, for the past hour or so, I can hear the Black Eye peas song, playing, from when I used to play that game on PS2 for hours. Sim, Urbz in the city. "Lets get retarded, Lets get retarded in here.. Wooo hooo"

And that my friends... Is just a fragment of the thoughts that tranverse through my head each day. At least it keeps things interesting to say the least.

Yeah, and earlier today, it felt, well I felt like my back was pulsating, or throbing or something... it was strange
I am slowly going in and out of consciennce. OHhh, there i went going. In and out...that seems vaguely fimilia.,..r

Okay that was strangely odder, even for me.. Each time i have nodded off... which has probably been close to a half hour, and about half a dozen times or more. I'd dream or see something, then wake in disillusion. But my head is spinning, and my forehead is getting hotter, and that headache continues to persist at the nap of my neck and shoulder to the contours of about my forehead and nose, and jaw.. and.. ugh.. I feel so sick... I think.
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