sorry to say my friend, but , as you said to me once before, but everything will be complicated no matter how you look at it. dont bother going by your heart if you dont want to get hurt. lie the life of quiet desparation that seems to have chosen you. i may be wrong, which i seriously doubt, but i think youve found too many good things at once, and you dont have the heart to give either of them up. not by your wil , or that of anyone else, but a decision will be made soon enough, and it wont be your choice anymore. keep an eye out, its not coming yet, but you'll know in...oh a wweek or so i guess. just keep your eyes peeled. its not going to end, but it wont be the same for a while. im glad were done with my bullshit at least, ive got nothing left to lose, so now would be the best time to take a journey, a long journey through the depths of those around me. i may not seem so, but i am your friend, and i shall council you through whatever i can.
Joe, you needn't be so hard on yourself. Honestly, everyone goes through periods of time in their lives that get rocky and can push those close to them away for a little while. But if they are truly honest friends, which I know we all are, we all care so much. We would never abandon each other-no matter how rough or long the situtation takes. Rest assured, You and I didn't go anywhere Joe. Rememeber you and me left? lol. So now, after all is said and done, you are happy again and you can relax for yourself now. You deserve it. And in addition, you have taught me a thing or two along the way. Love you bunches!
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