Nov 30, 2007 22:22
From the moment of existence, of self-recognition, of beginning: a presence. Nearby, right there. Always there. Constant companion, constant warmth. This is the time before words so words do not apply, but if one were to bring every word that has ever applied to a relationship together-- best friend, mentor, lover, father, mother, brother, sister, teacher, boss, beloved-- they would not suffice. All of this and more beyond. Love in all its forms, before that concept is given form independent of This. Of the Presence. The Presence that is always there.
Always speaking/singing/humming alongside, in the heart and in the mind. Instructions. Wisdom and knowledge. Naming. Power. Heat and light. The suns of a million worlds flicker in answer. It is more soothing than the sound of the ocean lulling one to sweet rest, but unlike the ocean there is no ebb and flow, no rise and fall; only the constant eternal steady song. The source of all that is right, the healing for all that is wrong. The Name. There to be served, not as a slave serves his master, but as instruments in an orchestra serve the written music, fulfilling the theme. There to adore, to worship, to love. There to be loved by. There to please and to be worthy of.
The Word, the Name, the Light. The Truth and the Way. Alpha and Omega. Always there.
A hundred billion years or more go by and that Love is still there, in the heart and the mind and in every atom of the self.
Until the day it's not.
Until the day the dischord notes of fear shrill louder than the music, until the day the darkening clouds of envy and anger obscure the light. Floundering in the sudden absence, groping for what has Always Been There but is now lost. Abandoned, it seems. The Presence gone. Nothing could be colder, for this absence is the same thing as the very Void. Nothingness. Endless, eternal absence, a gaping lifeless hole of nonexistence.
Is it any wonder that madness creeps in, to fill the yawning emptiness?
gabriel * the prophecy series (movie) * word count: 350