
Jun 12, 2008 11:50

 I have probably the oddest job I've been assigned to in a while. Came in at 8:30 (and got horribly horribly lost trying to find it) and my boss showed me how to log in and gave me a brief - and I mean brief - job expectations and then left at 9:45 with the other person in the office. One returned a little while ago but my boss won't be back until after 1. So for almost 2 hours I was left alone in a tiny office. Wouldn't be so bad if it didn't smell funny in here. Like a sickeningly sweet smell. Not cool.

My boss told me that if I get bored I can read the book I brought (which I almost didn't.. glad I did.) Sooner or later I'm going to go to lunch, though there's no restaurants or anything besides the super-expensive one in the nearby hotel and Anthony's Home Port across the parking lot from us which I can't afford.
Hopefully I can find a picnic bench, though its still freaking cold out there and really really windy. Might be a short lunch.

I've been trying to keep myself busy - especially because I have 5 hours left today and 4 hours tomorrow. I've been shredding off and on which is mindless, but its still something. Once my boss comes back I have to help edit/proof letters to candidates for a Board thing and get them all ready to be mailed tomorrow.

Yesterday was pretty boring since I spent almost the entirity of my waking hours scanning slides for my aunt. I was going to watch the Tudors while I scanned, but scanning takes a lot of memory so it kept pausing which was really irritating. The only interesting thing was the call from the HR Manager for Korea about the fact that I have all of the necessary documents for Korea. About 5 minutes in to the conversation my phone completely died. I could have died trying to quickly get it up and working again. It could have possibly been the worst time to have a dropped call - and temporarily dead phone.

But as a result of that phone call, I was sent the official contract which I will mail out tomorrow so that they can start the visa process.. which means its official. (*yay!*) The first day of teaching is August 4th, and they want me there 3 - 7 days beforehand for orientation and stuff. Hopefully I don't have to leave before (or on) my birthday. I guess we'll see.

After said phone call,  Wickedkitty and I ran to Costco since that was the only place open for quick passport photos. Then we went and picked up some of her stuff from storage (mostly scrapbook stuff) - whicih mostly entailed opening every box looking for the paper while balanced precariously above a concrete garage floor, and then we went and had a yummy chinese food dinner. I tried to go to sleep early, since I had to drag my ass out of bed at 6:30ish this morning. I kept having dreams about missing my alarm and trying to call and tell them that I was going to be late. It was terrible.

Life is pretty exciting right now with the job falling into place nicely, though there are a couple of other steps beforehand which hopefully go through without a hitch. I got the location I wanted (Changwon) and the time I wanted (end of July) so things are going pretty great. 
I think its just about lunchtime for me and this is getting very very long.
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