Jul 23, 2004 21:38
today was strange i ende up missing my ride home tfrom practice for band and worried a bunch of people.... especially my g/f (yay back together)i feel bad about worrying everyone but alotta people know about what happened and they all got it from my g/f which they told me she was really freakin out which sucks cuz i didn't mean to but i feel sorta good too cuz i feel really wanted it's great!!!!!!!! and i noticed how much i missed being with her and wow i just feel good :)..however she switched from trumpet to baritone so know she has to learn baritone which i have no idea how hard that is.... but her parents want her to study hard and go to college and she's getting extremely frustrated with music....i really hope this baritone thing works for her and if she has to choose between school and music that she chooses whichever she likes the must and has the most fun with!:) well i'll talk later i'm waiting to see if she's gonna be on tonight later peeps