Thank you [9/?]

Aug 03, 2011 21:45

  Title: Thank you
Author: onewaytrackk
Genre: Drama.
Disclaimer: In no way do I own bigbang, something I don't feel happy about. ):
Pairing: GTOP, slight hints of daeri, somehow.
Rating: PG13.
Summary: Seunghyun is sick.
(okay idk how to write a summary, so just read on if you want to okay?)

A/N: First fic.

It was Thursday.

Jiyong, I love you.
Youngbae, thank you.
Daesung, never ever stop smiling.
Seunghyun maknae, Don't let anything deter you and your confidence.

Notes to them, check.

It was his second time writing them personal letters.
Or rather in this case, notes. Very short notes.
That means it was his second time leaving again,
He will be breaking his promise of not leaving.
But what could he do.
He don't want them to be waiting outside the operation room for hours.
He rather they go about normally and not know that the operation was ongoing, the stress level would be very high.
He plans to pass the notes to his doctor and request for him to call them and pass it to them if the op fails.
As much as he don't believe it, there was a chance that the op would be a success, and it would be stupid if they get the note and he survives, he will feel embarrassed somehow.

What else do he need to do.
Should he pack the items in his room to boxes?
If he packs, it will raise suspicions from the members and they will go find him won't they.
Shall leave things as it is.

Seunghyun wrote another note and placed it under the stack of newspapers at the corner of the dining table.
He wrote it for the same reason as those times he had hinted at Jiyong he was leaving - So that if he survives and the members confronts him, he could claim that he had left a note and didn't go unannounced.

He planned to slot it in Dae's notebook at first, so at least they will definitely know.
But what if Dae blames himself if he doesn't find it soon enough.
And what if he finds it in the morning of Friday and goes with the band find Seunghyun in the hospital straight away.
Both situations will be horrible.

If he slots the paper in between the newspapers, nobody will notice.
It will be just another piece of paper among so many, who will take note of it.

To bigbang:
Hello. My operation is scheduled for tomorrow, 8 in the morning. I don't know how I'm going to wake up without bae,dae and ri disturbing me awake but I guess I will. Yes I did not tell you guys that it was tomorrow. I changed the date. I know you all will be fuming mad at me right now, but you all know that all I want is for you guys to not worry right. In my defense, I did tell you guys. In this note. (: Its just a matter of when you all find it right?
Thank you for everything, I'm sorry that I have not been a good hyung.

That night they had stayed at home for dinner, all 5 of them.
Seunghyun cooked.
He hardly did, he was too lazy to most of the times, but today was probably the last day he had.
He told them that he had learnt a new receipe and purely wanted to try it out.
He joked, laughed and talked about anything he could possibly think about.

YG had not called Seunghyun back. Was it because he did not receive the voicemail or he did not want to call back.
Whatever, he had told him already.

Somehow or rather, they noticed that Seunghyun was not acting very normal today.
Sure he joked and talked and laughed, but there was just something unusual.
All of them had gotten more alert and took more notice of whatever Seunghyun does.

Nobody raised it up, they all gave him the benefit of the doubt, Seunghyun said to trust him, they will, especially after yesterday's morning incident.

Seunghyun's POV.
Seunghyun slept with Jiyong that night.
Well he been sleeping with him for the past few nights.
But he held him even more tightly than he ever did and hummed both of them to sleep.

He woke up at 5, again.
He would have never be able to wake up this early on usual days, especially without a alarm clock.
Not that alarm clocks work for him anyway.
It was always Youngbae, Daesung and Seungri who woke him up,
While Jiyong crawls back into his bed and refuses to stay awake.
He just woke up like that.

He removed Jiyong's hands from his body slowly, not wanting to wake the man up.
He looked at Jiyong's facial features and tried to commit them to heart.
He smiled, Jiyong looked, peaceful.

His operation was at 8am.
Crazy ain't it,
What are doctors doing up so early in the morning, he had no idea.
How do they stay awake.

He changed into something simple, he had a hospital gown to change into later anyway.
The usual procedure was for a patient to be admitted at least a day before a operation,
But Seunghyun had insisted to not be admitted and the hospital could not do anything about it.
He packed his essential stuff, clothes and all, into a duffel bag, in case the op was a success and he is hospitalized.

He left a note similar to the one he used on Wednesday, he just omitted a few words,
"Gone for a walk."
So Jiyong will at least know. and not panic like he did on Wednesday.
And he won't be lying, he didn't say he would be back soon..

He had a motive for going out for that walk on Wednesday.
So he could leave today without any suspicion.
They could believe that he had developed a new habit of taking morning walks.
Or was in the progress of developing a new habit.
They won't suspect anything.

He took his phone and wallet and tiptoed out of the room, and out of the main door.
He didn't want anybody to wake up this time.


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