danikanikukylanyuhengryanbrandonnickandme! :)
missing:sherman, little ryan, and other peopleee =).
(brandon looks hella G. hahah.)
man i've never had so much fun in my life!
first we went on invertigo which was the scariest shizzle everr! :( i like cried on there :(.
then we went on the demon, which was great! :D
OH i went on vortex too! it was really fun! but at first i was scared to death and everyone tried to assure me that i wasn't gonna get stuck and die =). love them mangg♥
and then we went to a buncha water ones butt.
oh and i can't forget that spinny yellowone! :D.
hahaha manggg, everyone was so dorky, it was great! :).
theres more pics but that one up there was after we got off the bus =).
haha kylan and his funnel cakes.
but yeah, got soaked and went on the log ride. =). more pics maybe later that i'll steal from danika! okay toodles! :)