Nov 17, 2005 16:13
About four years ago I went to an activity with my youth group at the time. I don't remember much about the activity, but the preaching from that night, is still super clear in my mind.
See, God does things for a reason. That night, we were supposed to go to a park for the preaching. On the way there, the bus started acting weird, so the driver pulled into the parking lot of a car repair shop. Of course, this was at like 7-8ish at night, and the shop was closed, but it had a parking lot we could put the bus it. So, the driver got a ride back to the church (by a police man:-p) to get another bus. After waiting for awhile, Brother Samples decided he would preach in the parking lot, and he did. Had the bus not broken down, and left us in the parking lot, I probably wouldn't remember the preaching as much.
God has been bringing that message to my mind alot lately.
John 9:4I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
Brother Samples focussed on the last part. the night cometh, when no man can work. See, there will be a night for all of us, when, we can no longer work. Once we leave this earth, we won't be able to bring any others to Christ, what we have done, is done...and what we havn't done, still isn't done. We need to do God's Will now and not keep putting it off. Because, the night cometh, when no man can work.