i have a feeling this will be long.
i got my results. i did really well. almost all a's and b's yay. two f's..which i knew i was getting because i didn't sit those exams. and one e in home economics, which was obvious too (i didn't hand in a craft project, or do the cookery part, which meant i lost out on over 50%) so i did pretty fucken well in that considering i didn't sit most of it. i'm very happy about it.
party tomorrow woot. some shaun kids 16th birthday at colins house. bbq/music.. should be fun. except i only know like three people going. oh well i'm sure i'll find someone random to talk to. maybe a cat. or a dog actually since cats don't like me.
lauren likes this gerard guy for the past agessss. and his cousin (who laurens friends with) asked him to go out with her & he said something like "the only thing stopping me from dating her, is her being friends with donna. i don't like her." THIS IS HILARIOUS. this guy has never spoken to me in my life. but i guess hes mad that i turned down the offer to play bass in his band. bhahah go listen to some more coheed and get a fucken shave while youre at it.
mums sick again. i'm really worried about her :[
i bought a camera. TWO HUNDRED EURO VAT ON IT?? nobody buy from the camera shop at the top of grafton street. what a rip off. but i'm still happy caus its my baby and its amazing. SO happy i chose nikon over canon. teh lens is excellent.
my baby :) i dyed my hair *almost* black. i like it ALOT better. that weird red-y brown color i had in it was fading too much. and looked like shite. heres how it looks now:
/end of entry.