Looking through the eyes of one who can't see (Prologue)

Jul 15, 2010 18:56

Title: Looking through the eyes of one who can’t see (Prologue)
Genre: Fluff. Crack. A little of angst. A little of mystery.
Pairing: In this part of the series, Kyuhyun/Sungmin and Yesung/Ryeowook
Rating: over-all bordering on the rating of PG13 - R. For this chapter, R because of one scene towards the end.
Warnings: Erm. IDK. No warnings aotm.
Word Count:  1,653 words
Summary: When boring things suddenly became thrilling and when exciting things eventually got boring, Sungmin had no choice but to evaluate whether he being a pseudo-hermit brought more benefits than harm to his career, friendships, and love life.

↘ Thank you very much to mara_ciro  for this chapter's beta! ^-^ I love you LOTS Claraaaa~
↘ And yeah, you got it right, this is me on a fic spree, IDK why but I had this strong urge to write this down, I even plotted the  outline already up to the ending. And yes yes, I will try to finish OLTAB first, I just can't help but write this one. XDDDD
↘ I'll try to make this genre work for me, I hope it does. XDDD
↘ This is a rather looong prologue, so it's in one's discretion whether or not to consider this as chapter 1 or not. XD
↘ This will have the same chapters as OLTAB, 7 chapters, not including the prologue. <3

Sungmin walked along the busy streets of Seoul one Saturday night of July. He had his hands in his pocket, and his head was down low. He sighed as the cool breeze of the twilight wind blew against his face. Its temperature was icy; it was almost taunting. It seemed like it was almost telling him how unlucky he was for being the man he is.

Maybe if I knew that Hyaku would be playing with what Ryeowook cooked, I could’ve stopped him from going to the kitchen. Maybe if I knew earlier that he would be voiding at the corridors, I could’ve stopped him from going outside when he just ate lunch.

He crossed an intersection and turned left on the street next to it. He was walking aimlessly that he didn’t notice that he was heading to the pet store where he always bought Hyaku’s food.

If ever I knew about it earlier, Hyaku still might be with me.

He continued strolling along the avenue when the wind suddenly blew across his face really hard that his cap was blown away and his sunglasses were removed. He looked at the street in front of him, and he saw a lot of girls approaching him, all with their predatory look that told him he won’t get to the dorm safely if ever they caught him.

On instinct, he turned his back on them and he ran. He could hear the girls’ shouts and squeals as they chased him. Most of them probably only wanted a signature or two, but some of them, he had no idea and he didn’t want to find it out either. He turned left, then right, crossed the street even during stoplights just to get away from them as much as possible. After almost 30 minutes of running, he finally lost them as he went and hid in a narrow and dark alley in a place that was completely unfamiliar.

Panting and breathing heavily, he cursed his being normal again. Fuck. If only I saw that wind approaching. He continued to rant about his normalcy until a soft touch on his forearm attested him of company. He immediately looked to his right only to find a cute-looking girl in a pink dress and pigtails. He smiled at her.

“Hi little girl, what are you doing here?” He cooed.

“I… I live somewhere near here, mom and I were shopping but then I saw a lost cat and I followed it so I was lost.” Sungmin saw her eyes shining with unshed tears as she told her tale really cutely, and he sat on the floor so he was level to her and he patted her head.

“What about I bring you back to your house? But promise me you won’t do this again okay?” He smiled again as he waited for an answer, the response he got though was just a rumbling of the girl’s stomach and he chuckled. “Maybe I’ll do that after we eat some dinner… let’s go?” the girl just nodded.

Sungmin took her to a Western fast food restaurant, seeing as the girl wanted to eat some cheeseburger and fries. He looked at her fondly as she took bites from her cheeseburger. He even chuckled a bit when she stuffed her mouth with so much burger and fries that she looked like a hamster, and a really cute one at that. He was contented seeing the little girl so happy while eating so that was shocked when the girl suddenly asked him something.

“Oppa… I still don’t know who you are… my mom said I shouldn’t talk or go with strangers.” She looked at him wearily with fear-filled eyes.

“I’m Sungmin oppa… what about you little girl? What’s your name?”

The girl smiled widely at him. “I am Heera. I am glad because I really needed to see you.”

Sungmin suddenly frowned. “You needed to see me?”

The girl just nodded. “Oppa, do you know that I wanted to be a doctor someday? And I also wanted the world to have world peace, and also… I want to make people happy.”

Sungmin smiled at her. “But your cuteness already makes people happy. Did you know that oppa has been sad the whole night, but because of you I am already smiling, see?” He said as he flashed her one of his heartwarming smiles. The girl just nodded nonchalantly.

“Why were you sad Sungmin oppa? Is it because you are ordinary? Maybe because you wanted to know what will happen to you so you can get ready and prevent bad things from happening?” The girl tilted her head as she studied his face. Sungmin was taken aback.

“Wow, I think you have just read my mind.” He laughed lightly. “Well.. yeah… sort of like that. I just kind of wanted to have a clue on what will happen to my future.” He sighed.

“Oppa has just lost his cat, and then he almost got mobbed by fan girls if he hadn’t ran fast enough. So, I just somehow wanted to… you know, see what will happen to me… so I could avoid such things from happening in the future.”

He saw the girl nodding again. “But, won’t it take the thrill away? Like… when someone is going near you, you anticipate because you don’t know what he’ll do. It brings some added fun. But if you know already that he’ll go near you so he could kiss you, isn’t that a bit… boring?”

Sungmin just shrugged.
“Well… yeah… maybe, but-”
“Do you really want to be able to do that? Like you know… see the future and stuff?”

Sungmin looked at the girl’s eyes, she seemed determined. “Yeah… kind of…” The girl smiled toothily at him. “Well! I can do that!” She said enthusiastically as she pulled a pink candy wand from her pink backpack.

Sungmin laughed at her cuteness as he watched her dance and turn around their table, waving her “wand” in an irregular pattern. The other customers seemed to be entertained as well, because they also stopped eating and watched with adoration the little girl who was moving with wind-like grace. After a few minutes, she sat back down, smiling at him.

“You’ll be able to see the future now, Oppa!” She said as she took another fry and ate it.

Sungmin nodded as he messed her hair. “Thank you, little girl.” He said.

They went to the park afterward, apparently, Heera had all the energy in the world after stuffing herself with food.

“Oppa! oppa! Let’s go there!” She said as she pulled him to a swing. She let go of his hand halfway there though and the moment that happened, he heard Kyuhyun’s voice at the back of his mind. Confused, he turned around and he saw in a flash, a mental image of Kyuhyun in a white shirt, hugging him tightly while he was standing by a door.

He frowned. Was he hallucinating just now? He turned around to follow Heera on the swing but he was surprised that the other was nowhere to be found. He looked for her everywhere in the park but he couldn’t find her, so after another few minutes of looking, he finally gave up and went home.

As soon as he went inside the 11th floor dorm, he was surprised to see an anxious Kyuhyun on the hallway, with his arms crossed albeit the nervous expression plastered on his face.

“Sungmin hyung…”

Sungmin smiled at him as he greeted him, only to be shocked when the other went towards him and hugged him really tightly.

“K-Kyuhyun ah…”

“It’s late…”

Sungmin chuckled.

“I’m 26 years old, Kyuhyun…”

He heard Kyuhyun sigh as he released him. Kyuhyun turned his back on him as he went back to their room, closing it lightly. Sungmin watched him as he went there though, and being his not-so-dirty little self, he noticed the big pink spot at the back of Kyuhyun’s white shirt. He was about to call Kyuhyun’s attention about the stain when he remembered something.

Kyuhyun in white shirt. Hugging me. He turned around seeing the front door behind him. By the door? Sungmin frowned.

Just then, a mental image of Ryeowook in pink came across his vision. His eyes closed, breath labored and him moving not-so-rhythmically under a naked Jongwoon. Wait did I just see him naked?!

He was just trying to clear the things that came into his mind when suddenly he heard Ryeowook scream from the kitchen. All of the lights in the dorm were off because it was almost 2 AM so Sungmin had to maneuver his way to the kitchen carefully yet speedily because God knew what might have happened to his innocent little Wookie while he was in his midnight cooking escapades.

What he saw when he got to the kitchen though, was far from any midnight cooking escapade he had ever been to. Ryeowook only covered in pink icing, writhing under Jongwoon’s body, as the other pounded into him mercilessly on top of the kitchen counter. Sungmin was dazed.  He continued staring at them until a certain movement on his right side alerted him of his surroundings. Kyuhyun was there again, looking at him with sleepy eyes, walking to where Sungmin was as he tried to see what Sungmin was looking at as well.

But then Sungmin was quick and Sungmin was agile. One moment he was standing motionlessly at the hidden part of the hallway and another moment he was pulling Kyuhyun away from the kitchen before he could even take a look at the scene.

“Hyung?” He heard Kyuhyun’s husky voice as he leaned against the closed door of their room panting.

“Yes, Kyuhyun?”

“What are you doing? You’re acting… weird.”

“N-nothing Kyuhyun… Let’s just sleep now shall we?” He said as he smiled dismissively at him.

Comments are really appreciated~ thank you! ^^ And please look at the 1st entry on this journal before adding me. I have this teeny weeny rule that people should follow before adding me~ thanks.

genre: mystery, genre: angst, pairing: kyuhyun x sungmin, chap: looking through, genre: crack, pairing: yesung x ryeowook

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