stole this from michael!!

Feb 10, 2005 14:59

If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, post a memory of me.
It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened.
Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you....

i really miss the way things were....mikey made me think and i dont just miss the people and the good times but i miss the person i was at those times.

ive been screwing up with things lately and i need to get back on track! with school and life in general. ive always been the perfect one, theone that never screws up, the one that bails everyone else out of their problems and deals with her own at the same time.....thats not me anymore...or right now at least. i cant do this shit......i totaly screwed up and i know whats gunna happen. my moms gunna be mad at me, or dissappionted to say the least....and that is the worst feeling in the world. she does so much for em and now im going to dissappiont her!?!?!? wahat am i doing?!!? this is not cool and its not like me at all! and this sucks........

i need to go back to the old me. the one who had her head on straight and her priorities in order.....b/c this sucks!!!

<3 ciao
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