Place of Residence: Lorellin, Lorien and lately, Estë's house O' Madness, Tirion.
Relations (read: are you related to me?): A Vala, nothing to worry about there.
Previous Work Experience: Healer, shrink, fluffy toy critic.
References: You've already sampled the goods, do I really need one?
Personal Questions Section:
-Can you do any interesting things with your legs? If so, please describe. I can detach them and re-attach put them backwards.
-How do you feel about hot girl-on-girl action? Nothing against it.
-Would you be willing to participate in hot girl-on-girl action? Umm...I'd be willing to give it some thought.
-Would you allow Finwe to watch hot girl-on-girl action? Hehehehe...
-Would you allow Finwe to participate in hot girl-on-girl (with Finwe in the middle) action? *incomprehensible scribble*
-Do you like Ingwe? Yes.
-Do you like Mahtan? Don't know the chap that well.
-Are you willing to change your opinion or at least shut up should the need arise? Absolutely.
-How sexy is Finwe? How does one quantify the unquantifiable, express the inexpressible?
Thank you. Please have all applications sent to the palace care of Finwe. Finwe will contact you with his decision. We look forward to sleeping with you.
I just thought it would be a giggle. I don't NEED to fill out the form to get sex, it looked funny. Honestly Irmo. I had no idea you were so uptight. :p
Name: Estë the Gentle.
Place of Residence: Lorellin, Lorien and lately, Estë's house O' Madness, Tirion.
Relations (read: are you related to me?): A Vala, nothing to worry about there.
Previous Work Experience: Healer, shrink, fluffy toy critic.
References: You've already sampled the goods, do I really need one?
Personal Questions Section:
-Can you do any interesting things with your legs? If so, please describe. I can detach them and re-attach put them backwards.
-How do you feel about hot girl-on-girl action? Nothing against it.
-Would you be willing to participate in hot girl-on-girl action?
Umm...I'd be willing to give it some thought.
-Would you allow Finwe to watch hot girl-on-girl action? Hehehehe...
-Would you allow Finwe to participate in hot girl-on-girl (with Finwe in the middle) action? *incomprehensible scribble*
-Do you like Ingwe? Yes.
-Do you like Mahtan? Don't know the chap that well.
-Are you willing to change your opinion or at least shut up should the need arise? Absolutely.
-How sexy is Finwe? How does one quantify the unquantifiable, express the inexpressible?
Thank you. Please have all applications sent to the palace care of Finwe. Finwe will contact you with his decision. We look forward to sleeping with you.
:D :D :D
*stamps it*
:D :D :D
You're welcome to move in. 24-hour access is the best.
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