Apr 18, 2010 18:25
While I've done a great job at purging and packing, I still have a metric fuckton to do.
Managed to take la kitty to the vet today for shots, heartworm meds (requirement for Houston's swampy environs!) and microchipping. She's still outside moping. Double insult: leaving the harness on so she gets used to the thing. Will always have leash and harness on her while in the car/carrier. I'm deathly afraid of her getting out and lost.
Transfer med records to new oncologist at MD Anderson (he's the guy who Mom consulted re: my treatment plan) and GP at Baylor. Nice to have docs lined up because then I won't need 'em!
Couple of folks have VW mechanics to recommend.
Need to further cull down the clothes I'm bringing in the car to costume-y stuff for Flipside and 4th of Juplaya, hot weather clothing and an outfit for job interviews. Of course, I want to bring far too many shoes/boots... I am SUCH a ho!
Wine is allllll coming in the car so I don't have to worry about it being stored at proper temperature.
Bringing camping gear because ya GOTS to have the camping gear!
Now, should I bring the bunny suit or not? Big decisions!