Survey stolen from Jo-chan...

Oct 19, 2001 11:28

1. Kissed someone: Yes
2. Been in love: Yes!!
3. Been so drunk you blacked out: I agree with D, only if it counts that you fall asleep really fast (and wake up not realizing you fell asleep)
4. Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend: NEVER!!!
5. Kept a secret from everyone: It's hard, but yes. ^_^
6. Set a body part on fire: Uhh, no.
7. Had an imaginary friend: I think I did when I was little.
8. Called or seen a psychic: Oh yeah, Miss Cleo is my best friend. (NO.)
9. Ever cried at a chick flick: HAHAHAHA
10. Had a crush on a teacher: Certainly!
11. Found a cartoon character attractive: Do we really need to ask this question?
12. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the block tape: NOPE. And proud of it.
13. Watched Punky Brewster: Yes.
14. Prank called someone: No, but I've *been* prank called... T_T
15. Eaten a whole box of cookies and thought you were fat after: Not a whole box, but a whole uhh... tube, like one roll of Chips Ahoy or something like that.
16. Been on stage: Yep, "I, Mickey Le Nose, have a nose for news!!!" I was in elementary school, what do you want? T_T
17. Gotten in a car accident: Unfortunately.

18. Wear eye shadow: Yes.
19. Have a dog: No. ;_;
20. Want a tattoo, and where: No way.
21. Have any regrets: Of course, who doesn't?
22. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes. *snuggles picture of Bryon*
23. Crush: Well, on my boyfriend I suppose.
24. Do you have a best friend: Yes. A couple, actually.
25. Who do you go to for advice: My mom, my boyfriend, Kim, D, maybe a few others.
26. Who knows all your secrets?: Bryon and Kim.
27. Who do you cry with: Bryon. Poor Bryon. And Kim and Stine - especially at Fushigi Yuugi. T_T

28. God/Devil: I believe in God. I suppose I believe in the devil too.
29. Yourself: Yeah!
30. Your friends: Of course! They're strong, capable, wonderful people!! ^_^
31. Aliens: Sure, why not?
32. Love: Definitely. ^.^
33. Destiny: Umm... I'll get back to you on that one.
34. Signs: I try not to, otherwise I'd let little things control how I lived my life that maybe weren't signs at all.
35. The Closet Monster: No, but once in a while I'm still compelled to do that thing where you go running and LEAP into bed so the Under-the-Bed Thing won't get you. ^_^;;
36. One person for everyone?: I really don't know. I'd like to think so.

1. Open up your CD player, what's inside?: Savage Garden - Self-titled
2. Look in your VCR/DVD player, is there a movie?: Uhh, taped episodes of Cardcaptors and Digimon from yesterday... I really should watch those.
3. If there happens to be music playing right now, what is it?: Grateful Dead - Touch of Grey.
4. What are you wearing?: Pink and white checkered flannel pajamas, white bathrobe with purple and blue butterflies, and bunny slippers. (I'm such a girl.)
5. Look down, what's the first thing that catches your eye?: The book sitting on my lap, that I'm writing the paper on.
6. Turn on your TV if it's not on already, what network is on?: WB
7. Look out the window, what's the weather like?: It's not sunny, but it's not completely gloomy today.
8. If you were to hit redial on your phone right now, where would it call?: Bryon.
9. Say "hello?" out loud, did anyone answer?: I hope not, I'm the only one in my apartment!
10. What are you planning on doing next as soon as you get offline?: Take a shower and then go to class.



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