
Oct 17, 2001 17:46


Had a great visit with all my friends at Oswego. Met up with D at her room and we went to lunch - felt bad though because we accidentally stood Sara up for lunch. I thought they ate together so I'd promised to go to lunch with both of them. (Your room is cute, D!!!) After that we went to see Sara (yours is too, Sars!!) . I got to see Andrea and Laura and Nicole for the first time in ages... missed Heather, Jess and Beckles though. Sara and D and I had fun hanging out together... and we walked back over to D's dorm so she could go back to her room and Sara and I could go downtown. On the way we saw Dan driving out of the parking lot, and he kindly gave us a ride to my car. Sara and I went downtown - we hit the pet store, the used bookstore, went by the armoury and left a note on Bryon's car... and I think we went someplace else... oh yeah, Kraftee's. Note to all Oswego students: NEVER RETURN YOUR BOOKS AT KRAFTEE'S. Buy them at Kraftee's but return them at the bookstore. Believe it or not, you might save a wee bit of money that way. Anyway... more happy stuff: Sara and I wandered the arts building for a while... we toured both art galleries, I got to see the stage (they're doing MacBeth with this amazing set) and the costume shop, and then Sara bought me raspberry creme savers. ^_^ They taste just like black raspberry ice cream - it's sooooooo good! We then went back to D's room and hung out in there for a little bit until Andrea came so we could go to dinner. The four of us ate and laughed and had fun, and I saw Jackie too (she used to be in my Japanese class). After dinner I decided to go find Bryon... Sara and Andrea had rehearsal and D was working on a paper. I finally found the Best Western (thanks to D) and found Bryon. I was so happy to see him. *starry eyes* We hung out, and I called Dan and Lisha about going to Coleman's. Johanna came too, and the five of us had a lovely time. It's so odd hanging out with Lisha and Johanna in America. *_* Anyway... after that I tried to get some sleep but I still didn't sleep that well. Bryon had to be up at 7, and after he left for Guard I took a few hours' nap before heading back to Brockport.


Blah blah, class, reading, blah blah. I had this overwhelming feeling as I was driving back here today... that I wanted to be doing anything but going to school. I wanted to be living in a house, married to Bryon, raking our leaves and doing fall stuff like drinking apple cider. I wanted to be working a job where I was making money instead of paying people money to make me do work. *sigh* I want to hang out with my friends and feel like things are GOING somewhere, instead of being in the limbo of Grad School, where you're so close to being out of college, but you're still doing college-type-stuff and don't have time to get a job (well at least I don't, I'm taking 4 courses when 3 is considered a full load). I wanted to scream - and more than that, I wanted to turn around, go kidnap Bryon from the power plant he's guarding, and find someplace to go with nice weather and beautiful fall colors. Hopefully I will find that place soon. *sigh* In the meantime, I sit here feeling crappy and reading boring/confusing stuff for class.

One or two last happy thoughts to end this on a good note:

I found my cross-stitch alphabet book - it was in my magazine rack. I'm very happy about this. Oh yeah! I also got one of my Savage Garden CDs in the mail - I bought them on eBay and the other one should be arriving soon as well. Yay, Savage Garden!

friends, grad school, cross-stitch, bryon

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