
Sep 25, 2001 20:52

I rock. This paper is going to rock. Why? Because I say so. And I rock. ^_^

Ok, so I'm just trying to motivate myself to keep going... quite honestly it's going well so far. Now that I've finally settled in and gotten some of my thoughts down on paper (computer screen?), it's flowing much better and I have 2 1/2 pages. I'm remembering to use examples for everything, as he instructed when grading my last paper, and I'm trying hard to be creative and show that I am thinking. Woo.

Also, I would just like to say that having the support of my family and friends means so much to me. My mom and various friends have all done their best to kick my butt into action today when I was dragging my heels about this paper... I thank you all - I'm sure you'll be very happy to know when it's done!! ^_^

perky, grad school

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