Overwhelmed at the stupidity of the television I watch.

Apr 18, 2001 22:10

I watched the new episode of Dawson's Creek tonight, after not watching the show for weeks. It was very enjoyable, and I didn't regret watching it in place of Ed. Next week's show, however, looks very traumatic. Then I watched Felicity and my roommate and I got all worked up about how everyone on that show lives to drive us crazy. Ben and Felicity have been together for a year, and now Ben's going to mess it up next episode with this girl who almost died when she got shot at their party... For pete's sake. May my life never turn out as bad as that. I refuse to go into it any more than that, so that I don't get all frustrated again - I just want to say one thing: I'm graduating with Noel, if no one else!!!! :) Heehee.

I wrote my magazine analysis today after about 6 hours of research at the library. I think it came out well, but it was 5 pages when it was supposed to be 2-3. Oh well. :)

Tomorrow night (I thought it was tonight) I'm going to the Peer Theatre performance in the lounge... Becky from across the hall is in it and I told her I'd go.

Earlier today, I was REALLY, REALLY CRABBY. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I don't know why I was so crabby - it just hit me all of a sudden.

I love Bryon. I really, really, really love Bryon. I just thought I'd say it as I am sitting here thinking about it. I miss him. :(

Ok, that's it for now, I'm going to try and get some reading done I guess.

college life: oswego, bryon, tv

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