Just finished a paper.

Mar 07, 2001 22:48

My first paper for HIS 452 (Local/Regional History) is done. I hope it's what she wants. Anyway, now I can get other reading done tonight - sugoi.

Hahaha! Bryon and I were walking to Lanigan from Hart yesterday, and we wiped out! The packed-down snow was so slick walking everywhere, I nearly fell several times, but that's the only time I actually fell. It was really funny. My car is still sorta buried in the snow despite a day of lovely sun. The back end is partially covered and I'm too lazy to go remove it until I actually need my car.


Strawberry Peeps are wonderful.

Those are my random thoughts for the day. Dawson was a repeat so we didn't watch it. I've yet to use "That's patently absurd!" or "plucky" in a sentence anyway. ^^

I'm definitely getting my To Heart site hosted by chiharu.nu - Riku is so nice for offering to host me! ^^ I'll post the link in here when it's up (not that it will look any different, except that the ads will be gone).

I kind of hate TV. I much prefer books. There are a few shows I enjoy, but most of the time it's just crap I get sucked into. I'm not the one who turns the TV on in my room - it's my roommate... but I get sucked in a lot. Argh. TV shows I do enjoy: Red Dwarf, Friends, Dawson's Creek, Powerpuff Girls, Sheep in the Big City, with an occasional dose of BattleBots/Robot Wars. :) I also like a lot of the Britcoms but I've yet to catch an episode of the Vicar of Dibley.

Ok, I'm in my nice cloud jammies and I'm going to try to read, DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE TV IS ON.

college life: oswego, books, bryon, tv

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