
Aug 13, 2001 21:39

Fun day, but right now I'm unbelievably sad. :*( It was my dad's birthday, which was fun (means we had cake and ice cream after dinner), and my next to last day of work. My brother and I also went shopping at the mall (saw Ozog, yay!) where I got a sweater, a black shirt with a big flower pin on it, a pair of grey pants, cute undies :9 and a pretty pair of earrings. The *sad* thing is that Bryon is not here with me!!! *cry cry* I really need him to come back, RIGHT NOW! I wish I could at least hear from him tonight, but I don't think he'll get out of the field until tomorrow. I REALLY hope he can call me tomorrow night. I might go nuts without him. {:(

shopping, birthdays, bryon, family

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