May 24, 2001 00:42
This will probably be my last post before I leave - I can't really see myself sitting down at the computer in the morning. I'm pretty much set to go - there are a few things I'll need to use in the morning before I pack them. I am nervous. I feel like I have so much to remember - things to do, things not to do, etc etc. Bryon's family and my family went to dinner together at Applebee's for Bryon's birthday - he really liked both of his gifts, I'm so happy. My forgetfulness about lots of stuff really ticks him off sometimes though - twice today I forgot to call him when I was supposed to, and I feel terrible about that. I don't know why I'm such a scatterbrain sometimes. I went to visit him just as he was getting out of work - after I dropped Marisa off - to put a birthday sign on his windshield. We sat in my car at the top of the hill (where you can see all of Elmira spread out like stars) for a few minutes, and then he had to go home to call Kim about going with us to Newark tomorrow. It was nice.
It feels so weird - I'm taking a lifetime of being an American with me to a foreign country. Things that seem so important here, like my house keys, my driver's license, etc mean nothing over there. Instead I have to get used to being on the left side of the road, public transportation, and living out of a suitcase. I love everyone here, and I will miss them terribly even as I start my grand adventure. You hear that, everyone? I love you all! I want you all to know that before I leave.
Good night everyone.
london trip,