New computer love <3

May 16, 2007 10:38

(An aside, before I start: I am going to keep all my journal entries, with the possible exception of totally pointless entries from the Blogger years... if I decide to transfer all my entries over, I'd rather not spend the time it takes to recreate the post on one that says "Look at my new layout" regarding a layout that doesn't exist anymore. Etc.)

Yesterday, Bryon called me to say that he'd found a computer at Sam's Club. Despite the fact that he's been looking at laptops for weeks, this was a desktop-an HP slimline tower, with a 19" widescreen monitor. See, our desktop computer has been driving us (especially me) absolutely crazy lately. We are straining it to its limits, space-wise, and it's also not letting me move anything onto the DVD drive to be burned. In various ways I think it has never been the same since it got fried, carved up and rebuilt about a year ago.

The new computer has a 250 GB hard drive (up from 160 gigs on our previous computer, which was still pretty darn good), and still has the 8-in-1 card reader and S-video out, things which we use on a regular basis. It also has wireless capability, so we can get rid of our hub (we'll connect the desktop directly to the modem, and other computers can connect to it wirelessly).

The nice thing is, assuming that it works fine once we reformat it, my brother wants to buy our previous computer, so that will offset some of the cost. He doesn't use a computer for much more than the basic tasks, so I don't think he would have a problem with it.

My one problem so far: every time I go to find settings for something in Vista, I find myself staring blankly at the screen. The organization is JUST different enough that I think there will be a bit of a learning curve there. I'll get used to it, though. I'm interested in seeing what new options Vista offers, despite being a little biased in that I really do like XP.

Oh, and after some deliberation, the new computer's name is Quincy. Because I am a dork. (The previous ones were Charlotte [after Charlotte in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust] and Marius [um, we were listening to Les Mis a lot at the time].)

computers, history, lj

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