(no subject)

May 10, 2007 16:33

Look, another meme! This one from the lovely emmegan:

And I will name you 3 interests from your list, and 3 userpics and you explain them in your own post asking the same of your f'listers.

I went on a King Arthur movie kick a couple months back (fyrethief can commiserate with me on this one) and had to get an icon. Attractive men with British accents in armor on horses? Hello, hard to resist! Plus that film has some seriously gorgeous horses in it. This icon is from a scene in the film with Galahad, being cranky because Arthur's making them go fight the Saxons and he's still to young to be stoically resigned about it.

This one's homemade. I'm a Tortall fan, but I've read Emelan and love the cover of Magic Steps, so I made an icon from it. It's currently my Tamora Pierce fandom designation icon.

"Because Syltherclaw is love and you NEVER use it!" That's because this one's almost brand spanking new. The Harry Potter fandom normally scares the crap out of me (it's so big! and full of drama!) but I couldn't resist the snarkiness of these house icons. And because sometimes I do scare myself. I'm an unashamed nerd and academic overacheiver. I'm in my second year of university and already have senior standing. Once I got the answer to final Jeopardy with only the topic title and not the question . ("Sylvia Plath," btw)

Hunter/Jumper - It's the discipline I ride. Riding can be basically split into two styles, western and english, and then those styles down into discipline. I mainly ride hunter; it's what I compete in. Show jumping ("jumpers") is its cousin and the two types are generally held at the same shows. To my knowledge, hunters is mostly a North American discipline. There's a variation of it in the British Isles, but it isn't nearly as popular. Hunters is based off of fox hunting and judges the horse's style, manners, way of going, form over jumps, etc. You want to have a horse that will jump an obstacle willingly and safely, moves nicely at all four gaits, maintain a nice, consistent pace over fences, and jump with good form. You want to show the judge that the horse you have would be perfectly suitable for taking out on the hunt and is a pleasure to ride. Hunt seat equitation goes hand in hand with hunters, only in equitation classes the rider's form is judged. It's not much of a spectator sport since the judging is subjective and hard for non-horsey people to understand.

Show jumping is the spectator sport, where only speed and a clear round matters, not style, making it easy for people to understand. It's also one of disciplines that's in the Olympics (along with three day eventing and dressage, and reining, which is western). I'd love to compete in show jumping one day, but it's hard for me to leave hunters. I just love the elegance and the pursuit of perfection.

I actually took my user name from one of the greatest hunter mares in recent years, Strapless.

Photo comparison: hunters vs jumpers. Notice the different in equipment, the attitude of the riders and horses, the overall impression. The jumper is clearly hauling ass over that big vertical ("wheeee!"); the hunter is very nicely basculing over his fence ("aren't I pretty?").

Movie Soundtracks - Whenever I get that question "what kind of music do you like?" I always pause and wonder if this is an acceptable genre to answer that question with. I invariably answer with country and classic rock, but I love movie soundtracks equally as well. I love instrumentals, and films that draw from various artists usually make for great soundtracks with many different genres along a common theme. They're great to write to, especially the instrumentals because I'm not distracted by voices. A movie tells a story, so its music creates an obvious soundtrack for a written story. Listening to the right soundtrack and song really helps create the mood. Don't tell me you can't not write a swashbuckling scene and listen to the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack at the same time! (I blame that for the temporary plot takeover by pirates in my NaNoWriMo novel.)

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - Yum! My favorite candy. I'm not usually a big fan of peanut butter, but give me a bag of reese's and I'll finish half of it off within a few hours. Not even kidding. The chocolate helps me keep my sanity during crazy semesters at school.
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