Mar 28, 2013 14:03
This week has been fairly dull as I am on Passover Break (woo!), so I've been going on plenty of walks and... that's about it. Arrrgh, it's been a very lonely week and I haven't been treating myself very well, by which I mean I have been treating myself very well by consuming too much chocolate. At least it's dark! I bought this pack of dark chocolate from Trader Joe's thinking it wouldn't tempt me as much as the sea salt caramel chocolate they have... but it hasn't worked. Oops. I have to admit that it's been my medication this week because I've been having many of those "Oh my gosh I'm turning 25 this year and I still have no career plan!" moments.
The fact that Daniel is in the midst of a 100 hour work week doesn't help, either. That's right. 60% of his week is taken over by work, around 30% by sleep, and the rest is showering, breakfast, and commute. At least Passover Break gives me the opportunity to have breakfast with him in the mornings! I really am grateful for that.
About the career thing-- I've been thinking about it and praying about it quite a bit, and still just don't quite know what to do. I do think I want to go back into teaching, but not elementary school. I enjoyed that so much, but the circumstances under which I enjoyed it were so unique. The one thing I did not like was planning lessons for ALL of the subjects. I just felt like science especially suffered because I'm just not a science person, while grammar and literature received more than their fair share of my attention. Unfortunately I want to teach foreign language and music, two subjects which are not in such high demand, but I figure if I am certified in French, music, and Spanish, someone will want me! Maybe?
I just want one clear life goal with a clearly laid out plan for success so I can stop thinking about that part of my life! Heh, I've never been the most career-focused or ambitious person ever :P. I know you're supposed to find what you love to do and then get paid to do it, but what I love to do just doesn't pay well enough!
In happier news:
+I face-timed with my big sister & nieces the other day while walking around Schurz Park. My nieces get cuter and sweeter every day and I can't wait to book a plane to Kansas to see those little peanuts!
+The weather hasn't been too bad! I'm a fair-weather fan of New York in the most literal sense. It's been sunny and warm enough for long, pleasant walks in the morning & afternoon. I'm looking forward to dining at a cute local cafe on warm nights later on in the season. I think I need a home in a bustling city or two (New York & Paris), a home somewhere perpetually warm, and a home in the Midwest or Colorado so I get as much space and snow as I want. Hmm. Better get some career plans going for that ;).
+Breakfast has been awesome this week since I can have it at home with Daniel rather than sneaking bites here and there at the bakery (which is still pretty great). Sandwiches with avocado, eggs, and chevre or cheddar on dark, sour, crusty country bread. Oh mama.
+Daniel & I are starting a French class on Monday after his current client files! I think it was rather imprudent of him to sign up when he doesn't know what hell the Mondays thereafter will bring, but he just had to find something stimulating to do. It's a grammar & conversation class. By signing up we also receive membership to fi:af (French Institute Alliance Francaise), which includes access to their library and free Tuesday movie showings.
+I hit up the Steven Madden boot sale and got some great, real leather brown boots for a decent price. I had to lay the brown boots I bought in France for $40 to rest after a good, four year run.
Question for you all: What desserts are you planning for Easter? Looking for ideas! I'm thinking I might have to go buy a springform plan and make a cheesecake, though...