On Saturday, I went with Daniel and some of his work buddies to a restaurant where they carb-loaded for their half-marathon on Sunday (the crazies!). They were really nice, but I can see what he means about not having much in common with them. We did have an interesting conversation surrounding the South African co-worker who told us about growing up on a lion farm. Daniel and I turned positively green with envy!
The half-marathon was cold, but went well. Daniel said it was pretty cool getting to see all of Central Park like that. Not cool enough for me to want to run one, though!
And now back to the grind. He didn't come home until 11:30 last night. Now, one can't fee too sorry for him because he absolutely knew what he was getting himself into, but on can feel quite sorry for me because I didn't ;).
About the outfit I posted today-- Sandra, the mother of the kids I nanny and a very elegant French woman, made a big deal about my green pants + teal shoes ensemble, so I'm going to go with it. To me, the word of an elegant French woman is truth on the issues of clothing and food. That job is going well, by the way. The kids seem to like me well enough. I know Constance, the little girl, loves me, but the boys are harder to read, particularly the eldest. Thi could ave something to do with the fact that my only job function is to ensure they do their homework! My favorite part of the job is hearing them speak Franglais to one another. Today, Antoine said, "Constance, regardes, cette fille a du crazy hair!" I could listen to their conversations all day.
Last week I met another LJ friend
savetheolives eattheolives ut us in contact since we live a block away from each other (!!!!!!!). Hannah came over for hot chocolate (LaDuree's recipe!), which was so wonderful of her to do since I gave her the freaking wrong address the first time she tried to come over that night! My fingers have a learning disability and want to write my building number as 236 rather than 326. This has been a problem more than once, let me tell you, and once resulted in us not having any dishes to eat off of other than Gladware containers for about a month. Ahem. Anyway, Hannah is a lovely person who somewhat resembles Judy Garland, and who plays the pian beautifully-- I had the pleasure of attending her piano recital at Lincoln Center. Hope to see her again soon!