Story #1 Gabriel, a little kindergartner, had his birthday during the school year. For kindergartners, there's nothing better. He came back from lunch and was so excited about getting to eat his birthday cupcake that he didn't notice the gigantic birthday present that filled up a corner of his classroom. His classmates were very excited to see what was in the box, and so he opened it up to find his father, who had been deployed overseas and who had not seen his son since June. The link includes two pictures of the moment. I want to cry.
Story #2 Sully, the pilot of the airplane that went down out of NYC realized that on the airplane he had left a library book. So what does he do? He calls the library and apologizes, and says that he can pay them back right away. The library, of course, says that they'll take care of it. And of course the subject of the book was ethics. Move over, Stephen Colbert. Sully may just be the Greatest Living American.
I went to lunch with Mathilde, my French ballerina/law student friend today. France is only allowed to have blowout clearance sales twice a year-- Januaryish and Julyish-- and the sales end February 10. I got some girly stuff for very good prices. I wanted to get a tube of the absolute brightest blue mascara you have ever seen, but thought that 10 Euro may be a bit much to pay for it. I'm sure that one day I shall look upon the decision to not buy it with much regret.
Well, my episodes of House and Lost are finished downloading, so I should probably go and get some supper.
Speaking of TV. That episode of The Office that came on after the Superbowl this week was absolutely one of the best. I know I say that a lot, but they really went all out. It was epic!